Jumping in on the dermaroller trend

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Should be here today, to me it sounds like the most logical treatment outside of the big 3. I cant take the pills I get bad side effects, minoxidil does give me bad circles under my eyes but I only use half as much as they say because my hair is short. My regimen I am going to try is derma rolling every 10 days, minoxidil 1x a day sometimes 2x depending on the circles, nizoral 1% 3x a week,msm, biotin, multi vitamins, mix of castor oil and olive oil every few days for scalp soothing, will buy emu oil and may substitute depending on the cost. thinking about adding the miconozal nitrate though I don't know how I would find the space between other treatments, even did 2 onion juice treatments though I think 2x a week would be all I can take of that. Basically will try anything but putting sperm or dog crap on my head

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Got it in the mail, soaked it in alcohol and went to town I got the 1.5 I believe 194, I made 4-5 passes over each area, maybe a few more, got a little blood but not much. I put the minoxidil on right after for the 1st ap, only used half as much as called for. I want to see if I get the side effects quicker, if so then I will wait 24 hrs next time

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below is a pasted version of an earlier post and why I joined this forum, basically desperation LOL, I know its a kind of weird thing but I do think its a combo of male pattern baldness and some deficiency or imbalance, I just did a blood test and will know more in a week but I need to do something now, I am really hoping the increased blood flow, plus all the crap I am pumping in my system will restore some growth to the hair I have and maybe the hairs I recently lost which is a lot unfortunately, My whole hairloss pattern changed recently and I kind of feel I have nothing to lose, with this option, I am not really a pic taker but will add some I took recently and in a few weeks or so

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"I am 45, have been slowly receeding for a several yrs, got on this anxiety medicine called Prestiq, within 3 weeks my hair started changing texture, lost hair more on left side then on right, hair cycle started getting shorter, now my hair wont grow beyond 1/2 inch and fall out WTF, its like porqupine hair, real thick. I have lost 50%+ of my hair in the last 2 months. I took prestiq for 3 months, been off for 4-5, hair on top and sides are different texture and less but the top is ridiculous, I can handle going bald but in 2 months. I have recently started rogaine foam and nizoral 1%, biotin,msm, cant take propecia, side effects kill me. I kept thinking I had to let the drug get out of my system but its been at least 5 months now and my hair is still very course and wont grow especially on top, that's why I decided to try minoxidil, any advice or recomendations . anyone have any ideas how long it takes to get drug reactions out of your system if that's what it is I guess "

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Looking into hair loss a little more it could be traumatic stress related telogen effluvium, in may june I had some incredibly bad things happening, wasn't eating really at all, lost 25-30 lbs in a month. I thought with stress your hair falls out right away but now know it could take 3-6 months. I still had male pattern baldness though it wasn't bad yet so I am going to continue this, hopefully my hair will come back and then with this come back better

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without a doubt minoxidil affected me more after the rolling. I almost could taste it. Got really flushed, headache,dark blue circles, i will wait the 24 hrs next time for sure


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Ok, 3 days after rolling my head is itching like crazy from it, going to do it again monday
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