junk food and shedding.... i'm not crazy!!


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Ok here's the deal... I started rogaine foam in January but even BEFORE that I ALWAYS notice (and I thought it was just a coincidence before) that everrryyyytime I eat something "junky" "greasy" or full of calories I SHED LIKE A PIG within 1-3 hours!!!

You know how I know this?? Because I don't "shed" that often and I do not eat "greasy" or junk food that often. This has become a staple in my life everrrrrytime I finish eating and I got a greasy paper plate in front of me on my desk... I ALWAYS find myself shedding if I run my fingers through my hair... I'm like wtf so I start shaking my head and running my fingers through my hair like crazy and watch me shed shed shed shed and shed right into the paper plate!! Greasy paper plates and lots of shed hair.. it's as if they go together. The ONLY 2 other things ive noticed this happen with as well are those "gram crackers" and ice cream.

I'm telling you, I'm into working out.. I don't eat junk food at all really I try to stay away as much as possible.. but for the past year and a half this has been happening.. wayyy before I even started the rogaine. I am not a "shedder".. I rarely shed, but the only times I find myself "shedding" is when theres a plate of greasy food near me. Is there some sort of link between junk food or certain kinds of foods and shedding? I swear there has to be I know I'm not crazy. Sometimes my scalp starts to itch like crazy too during these "shed sessions". Anyone else experience this??


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yeah me too.

but ive noticed a difference between brands; like if i eat half a tub of Ben & Jerrys Phish Food i will immediately shed in an NW3-NW4 area. But a few scoops of chocolate Haagen Dazs seems to have a thickening effect on my crown but gives me gyno and high-blood pressure. whats going on ??


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i ate some eddy's (is that how u spell it? I'm too lazy to go check) chocolate fudge brownie ice cream... and I NEVER eat ice cream man.. Usually they buy the fat free versions and I dont like it but they just bought this and I hadnt had any in like a year so I decided to indulge.

I used to lovee those gram crackers but I stopped.. Those fukin gram crackers shed me for sure no doubt about it. I don't really eat junk I try to stay away.. I'm trying to think of the greasy foods that would make me shed.. like if it was fried chicken with french fries or something.. something that would leave the paper plate greasy i'd shed for sure... and oh yea tostito chips without salsa.. that makes me shed too I think.