just a question


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hey everyone yea i'm new to this site just found it today and it's freakin awesome! i've had a few of my questions answered already. oh and by the way thanks a lot for letting me know that avacor sh*t is bullshit.. i was so close to buying that crap.

i'm only 16 gonna be 17 soon yea it's a young age.. how sad. but finding this site raised my hopes of not having to worry about my hair thinning/falling out. i'll post up my story sometime soon.

i don't know what the hell diffused thinning is but after reading a few posts i think i have an idea of what it is and i think what im going through is "diffused thinning".

how do you deal with and fix diffused thinning? please help!

good luck to everybody with gaining thick, new hair and once again.. this site is great. thanks


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Welcome to the site. At your age I would not be too concerned about diffuse thinning, unless you can establish pretty solid(ly) that you have family history of hair loss at this early of an age. If father, or either grandfather, or any aunts or uncles can state that they began losing hair at your age, and it continued into the 20's showing noticeable loss, then you may have something to deal with.

Keep in mind that even for people with no "male pattern baldness" .. there are phases of thinning and loss that are experienced every once in awhile. Its all about how many hairs are going dormant at the same time. If they're sporadically doing it, you don't notice as much. Sometimes they synch up however, and it can seem like hair loss. Either way, I would hold off on any treatments at your age and just take some photos and watch your hair in 6 month intervals. See if there really is any *overall* change. That will be the key. You can always go on something at any time if you decide its genuine hair loss.

Its easy to confuse it with the cyclical shedding and regrowth phases though, so be sure before you start.



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Just thought I'd add--

It is very possible that you ARE experiencing actual hairloss, because I went through the same exact thing at the age of 16. If so, consider yourself lucky that you found this site. :)

Anyway, like HairLossTalk.com said, you should probably just keep an eye on it for a while longer and make certain that it really is male pattern baldness. If you determine it is, don't let all the talk of side effects and whatnot deter you-- jump on some solid treatments and stick with it.

You'll be glad you did.


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Wish I was that wise when I was 16, I'd be alot better off today let me tell you that. I always shrugged it off, because I figured it would just be hairline, which I didn't give a crap about. Boy was I wrong...


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When I was 17, wish I was that aware and educated about hair loss and internet was that accessible.

At this stage:

Be aware! not alarm!



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Yes, its really strange how people just shrug it off and deny they are losing their hair until it is quite or even really noticable. It is only then that they start regretting it.


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If you do discover that your father/grandfathers went through a similar thing, I'd jump on propecia and call it a day. One pill a day and that's all you'll have to do since you haven't really receeded or anything.