Just an opinion about my hairline, updated high res + Old



Ok after over 10 months on finasteride here is a pick of my hairline. I just want an honest opinion on what you think even though I have not really taken many pictures at the start of my regime, but I can tell you it's better than when I started.

So look at it as if you were walking down the road and saw me. What would you think of my hair. I have no loss other than temples.



Some posters requested some old pics. I found some. Look here. Sorry for the bad resolution but it's all I could find. I'm afraid you will have to just take a look and see what you think...



Established Member
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I'd think you weren't losing your hair.


Established Member
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Same do I !


Thanks guys. At least I can now go forward and hope it stays that way.


Established Member
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Doesn't apper as though your loosing hair b/c your hairline is pretty flat.


Experienced Member
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You are in good shape main! Looks like things are turning your way!!!



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Hi Traxdata,
I'll be honest with you. If I saw you on the street I would say to myself that it's only a matter of time. I think its the way you style your hair. You comb it up and back and to the sides to cover your temples. You have recession at the tip of your hairline as well. We would need to see before and after pictures. But I encourage you on your regimine. But I for one would say you're going bald. I can see it just by looking at the sprase eratic hairline at the front.


80sRevival said:
Hi Traxdata,
I'll be honest with you. If I saw you on the street I would say to myself that it's only a matter of time. I think its the way you style your hair. You comb it up and back and to the sides to cover your temples. You have recession at the tip of your hairline as well. We would need to see before and after pictures. But I encourage you on your regimine. But I for one would say you're going bald. I can see it just by looking at the sprase eratic hairline at the front.

Right that f*****g does it. I'm killing myself.

Red Rose

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No, I think his hair looks fine and the fact he is on a regimen means there is every chance that he will keep what he has.

There is a lot you can do with a solid NW2. Spike, fringe, messy...and it will still look good IMO.

I think traxdata has a lot to be happy about.


Thanks red rose. Just putting down that cut throat. The thing people need to remember is that my hair has got no worse in 10 months. It's getting better. As you say I am very happy with what I am getting here. Over the moon in fact.

I have posted pics in the past so i will tr to finasteride that thread.


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i would love to have your hairline right now...lookin good...keep it up!!! by the way, whats your regime?


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I am not being cut throat. I am balding myself so I don't mean to put down anyone else. I am being realisitic here. And you asked everyone for their opinions trax so you have to realise you'll get both good and bad comments. If you only wanted to see the good comments, you should have edited your thread title to "includeonly positive comemnts only." But that hairline is not a normal hairline. And I would say you're balding if I saw you on the bus or something. Before and after pics would be great. If you hair was worse than before then it looks fine at this time. I don't know. What much else can we all do anyways. It's only a matter of time.

But if you can't handle the truth, then I would say that your hair looks great traxdata and there are no signs of recession at all.


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we need a high res pic. I can't see sh*t it's too small.

Red Rose

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80sRevival said:
But that hairline is not a normal hairline. And I would say you're balding if I saw you on the bus or something.

Seriously dude, you are the only one here then that see's that. His hair line looks fine. To the uninitiated no one would think he had a problem in the slightest and isn't that the point? Sure to the trained eye and under really close scrutiny you might say there is some recession but nothing more IMO than a mature hairline.

I would say trax is hovering between a 1.5 and a 2 which is awesome.

Perhaps I just speak for myself but I think if everyone here could hold & maintain a solid NW2 we'd all be happy.


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i believe trax is in his thirties. so, you for your age, you look aces man. and the important issue here, as with everyone's hair, its not how great other people think it looks, its how great YOU think it looks. if you are content with where you are at, and can just live your life without feeling ill-confident, then you have completely succeeded. sure we might look at him and say he has some recession, etc. but we are hair loss/ hairline obsessors; to the normal human beings out there, i'm sure the thought that you have lost a little hair doesn't even cross their minds. keep rocking that regimen.


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Well I am sorry but he asked for an opinion and I have given him one. the picture is small as well and not in good lighting condition. If you blow that picture and add lighting you'll see the recession.

Maybe perhaps the reason why no one else has given the same opinion is that they're still in denial.


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bartman654 said:
80srevival sounds pretty damn bitter

I am not bitter, just defending my opinion. No need to get personal here. We're all here for the same reason.