Just another UMan story

uncomfortable man

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So every time I travel to visit with my daughter, I always run into a friend of my exgf Kerri, who lived in the same apt. complex as us so are kids used to play together and still do. My ex still hangs out with Kerri on a regular basis at the bar. Kerri is a lush, well so is my ex. So on my last visit, I was hangin out at a coffee shop when I see Karrie going to a pub next door. I get her attention and she invites me in the bar for a beer. She tells me that she is getting ready for a E-Harmony date and we talk about some other random sh*t until the beer is gone. I wished her luck and was on my way to my ex's so I can hang out with my daughter while she goes to work, and then to the local tweeker bar afterwards to meet up with Kerri for beer. So I have a great day with my daughter and later that night when my ex came back home She tells me how Kerri's E-harmony date went. Kerri was recounting her date to a group of twelve people in the back of the bar. The first and apparently most important thing she had to say about her date was that he was BALD. Another girl gasped when she said the word and how dare he and for shame and so on. When my ex saw the way everyone reacted she was shocked because she never believed me when I told her how people trip off me for being bald all the time. She, like many other people thought it was all in my head but she just witnessed a public scolding of a bald person (even though he was not there to defend himself) and she spoke up saying It is not his fault that he is bald, besides that he is a very successful lawyer and makes a shitload of money so she is stupid for not being able to see past his lack of hair because, oh being bald is such a faux pau. :crazy: Kerri tried to say that anyone going bald needs to shave it and a girl in the group said my boyfriend shaves it and he doesn't even have to. :shakehead: My ex explained to everyone that I am bald and how I would always tell her how I felt persecuted but she could never believe me, but listening to all of you out here slandering someone for reasons beyond their control just proves that he is right. You are all confirming his worst assumptions about people and she told them that they should be ashamed of themselves. My ex apologized to me for not believing me and that I was right and I said, that's ok I told you I'm not crazy.


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Does this cute story mean that the two of you might have a chance for the future?


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well i hope this thought her friends a thing or two about life :)
one thing for sure, she knows now what you had to deal with on a daily basis...


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ali777 said:
Does this cute story mean that the two of you might have a chance for the future?

Yea man for a "lush" she sounds pretty deep and supportive.

I wouldn't read too much into what a group of drunk women at a bar are saying. Hell I wouldn't read too much into a conversation of a group of sober women. Women tend to be very insecure and when they get together its a bunch of cluck cluck bullshit tearing SOMEONE down. If it wasn't this guy it would have been some girl she works with or her ex boyfriend. Women can find flaws in anyone.

Your ex didn't care you were bald, she was obviously attracted to you enough to conceive a child. She's certainly not the only one you just need to shrug these stupid b****s off and do your own thing. Plus I bet this lawyer guy finds somebody better than this Kerri chick anyway.


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I'm just waiting for those people who like to say that UMan is making it up or they don't believe it.


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Ignore that sh*t, you had a good day with your daughter. Doesn't that matter at the end of the day besides what some girl thinks?

*Waits for everybody yell "No!"*

uncomfortable man

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By far Obsidian, but I just found it a relief that someone else could see what I was talking about and say yes, you aren't crazy. It may not seem like a big deal, but it was for me....validation.

optimus prime

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UMan is making it up and I don't believe it!

Only joking...seriously though, I thought this was going to be a story about how you got with Kerri...

also, is your ex single or does she still have a b/f?

uncomfortable man

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Were not together, but were still together if you catch my drift. :hump:


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I did that for almost 10 months with my ex... I'm not sure it's a good idea. Sometimes we wouldn't talk at all and just get down to business and then she would leave. Basically, it was like every men's paradise situation, it was the best I've ever had.

Your situation is different, you have a kid together and you can't avoid each other. Our situation was getting worse everyday and not keeping in touch was probably the right option for us. Although the sex was good, having that contact wasn't helping with moving on.


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who's in your avatar UM?

Edit: How can people hang out with women that drinks beer? Do you like the halitosis?


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IBM said:
who's in your avatar UM?

Edit: How can people hang out with women that drinks beer? Do you like the halitosis?

And how old are you UC? you look mid twenties in your avatar


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Some women definitely have a problem with balding/bald guys, there is no doubt about it. Last year I was in a night club and I was on the dancefloor with some friends. I have an obvious receding hairline, and at that time I had my hair to a medium length so it was even more obvious. While I was dancing with my friends two girls near me began dancing closer to me, trying to get my interest. However, when they got closer I heard one of them say to the other, "He's going bald". She then pointed to her hair with a shake of the head. They then immediately moved to a different area of the dancefloor.

However, the good news is that's the only time it has happened. I have never heard anyone else comment on my hair loss. Now that I have buzzed my hair I think it has helped weed out the girls who have a problem with it. If a woman likes you with the buzzcut then presumably she won't be too bothered by your hair loss. I think some girls definitely would not date a balding/bald guy, whilst the majority are not too fussed.

uncomfortable man

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I think the fact that these girls were so critical of your situation (which isn't bad at all) is just proof of how absolutely shallow women can be. I find this really discouraging. What did you think of your photoshoped picture too cool?


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uncomfortable man said:
I think the fact that these girls were so critical of your situation (which isn't bad at all) is just proof of how absolutely shallow women can be. I find this really discouraging. What did you think of your photoshoped picture too cool?
I wouldn't be too discouraged by what those girls said about me. That has only ever happened to me once. I still get girls showing interest, but they're just not the hot girls anymore. They are more like the cute ones, the ones you'd say were pretty but not hot. That's still good, which is why I'm not too worried about how I look just yet. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't care. I'd love to have my full head of hair back.

I thought the picture you made was good. I had wondered how I'd look if I were bald and that gave me a good indication. I think it does make me look older and less attractive, but I still think I look ok with it. However, if I had lost that much hair I wouldn't even have hair on the sides. I'd shave that off too. After a certain point of hair loss I think it looks better to shave it all off rather than cling onto the little you've still got left.

uncomfortable man

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Petchsky said:
IBM said:
who's in your avatar UM?

Edit: How can people hang out with women that drinks beer? Do you like the halitosis?

And how old are you UC? you look mid twenties in your avatar

IBM, drunk chicks are more willing to do certain things if you know what I mean...maybe you don't. Just give them some gum or get drunk yourself and you won't notice the breath so much.

Petchsky, I'm 33 but I have a young face. I still get carded after I shave and put a hat on.