just decide


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I don't mean this in a malicious way at all, but heres my question:

instead of people complaining about things on this thread, forum, internet, life in general, why don't people take initiative?

if propecia/minoxidil doesn't work, can't you get surgery or wear a wig?

simple as that. Ben Affleck wears a wig and so does ALOT of Hollywood! We live in an era where if you have some money both of these options can give you amazing results, albeit the second one might hurt your ego a bit, but who cares it still looks good.

IM 20 f*****g years old and am basically a Norwood 6 (including diffusion). I'm going to try meds for a year, and then either get surgery or put a rug on my head, simple as that.

Life is too short to let something like this take over my life forever. honestly why doesn't everyone either wear a wig or get an hair transplant? Whats this stigma with wigs, hows it any more superficial than surgery or any other bullshit our society accepts?


good opinion!

see. life is all about decisions.

you can decide to go on living like you do , or change something.

you might even change something psychological.

to soccer guy:

a wig is a good option if you dont mind wearing one. then people dont mind either. just get a good one.

i prefer surgery though coz i somehow like more to have real hair on my head.

and hey, i play soccer too.

im gona go for surgery in about 1-2 months. if you like i can tell you about it.

send me a pm if you like.


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yeah, i think toplace and coolpiece have good, reasonably priced hair systems. Do not go to the large chains...


Senior Member
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given what i can see from the pics, if the meds don't work out, i think you can pull off the althletic short buzz / shaved look off pretty well


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hair transplants are not as dense as original hair. 50 grafts per cm2 can look good, but when you get closer it still looks as thin as 50 year old hair, not 20 year old hair. of course there is topik. but even then, with a Norwood, you probably won't have enough donor hair for your who scalp. perhaps you can just do grafts to the front, and then wear the wig on back, but wigs have to be very expensive to last and come close to looking real. i don't know how comfortable they are, or if you can wear them in the water. i guess you can swim at the beach by yourself and put it on later. i guess i'd consider it if I reach nw6, but right now i'm just desperately trying to regrow my hair. i've alreay used 4000 grafts in the very front of my head, and without seeing satisfactory density, so i'm not even thinking of useing them on top of my head. If the top goes, I know the grafts will be a waste. My scalp just can't have enough of them to put more than nominal hair up there.

I think your options are wig or shave or hat, not grafts. just stay youthful and save your money instead of smoking it, and maybe you can have your 20's in your 30's when cloning comes out.