Just hairline?


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I'm getting tons of new growth at the hairline on finasteride (1 month now), and what began as vellous seems to be turning black and getting longer. I can now noticably see where my hairline MAY be if they all turn black and grow long. Now, the thing is, if I'm seeing this kinda growth on my hairline, what about the rest of my head? Why can't I see any of this on my entire head? Is it because it's hidden in between alot of other hair, or maybe it's just not happening at all? I can't see why I'd get lots of growth on once slick bald areas of my head (temples, frontal region), but none at all on my fairly decent yet diffuse thinning head.

Thanks for any responses.


I guess that the velous hair is easier to see in the hairline. It probably is doing the same for the whole head. Gently massage your head with your fingers. Can you feel the prickle of short new hair.


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I highly doubt that the growth ur seeing is caused by finasteride. 1 month is way too early to see the effects of finasteride, especially regrowth. But i might be wrong. Post some pics.


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No seriously, these hairs were never there before. I wish I'd taken pics, honestly. It came at about 2 weeks in, tiny vellous hairs, now close to the hairline they're all turning really short and black. It's really encouraging!


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Are you serious?

If I didn't knows ya, I'd think you'd flipped yer lid! One month does seem like a short time.

Seriously, if you're right, congratulations. That must be very encouraging.


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Well, it turns out I do have many blonde hairs in amongst my hair, I discovered them tonight. Dunno if they're just dying ones that could be brought back by finasteride, or what, but it's all very encouraging. Plus, for some reason, my hair looks really dense right now (very greasy and coarse feeling from work), I can see tons and tons of hairs, some finer than others, which also makes me feel like I'll make huge gains.

But yea, those hairs on my hairline weren't there before, I guarantee that. I wouldn't be raising such a scene about them if I didn't think 100% that they were growing back. On the flip side, my crown looks worse than ever. I think finasteride's speeding up my crown's shedding, which is funkin' scary, because until now, it hasn't been bad. Now it looks like I'm going bald in the back, which is very very disconcerting for an 18 year old. I can take the hairline and some diffuse, but man, crown loss is the worse. Hopefully finasteride fixes that right up...

Edit: The crown is fairly dense still, but the hairs seem SO fine compared to the rest of the head. Again though, gives me great hope that I'll gain from finasteride, considering the follicles haven't gone into atrophy. Comments and such would be great, I love having discussions about this sorta thing with you lads.