
Just Looking For A Bit Of Advice, New To All Of This


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So I followed the normal trajectory of beginning hair loss, had long curly hair for a long time and didn't notice how my hairline was farther back until getting a shorter haircut 6 months ago. The first picture is from 5 months ago and the second one is from this week. Based on this evidence how long do you think I have where treatment options like Propecia would work? And could this possibly be a mature hairline (even though I clung to that hope for a while and am now convinced it is not merely that). Thanks for any input.

Male, 28
Grandfather on mother's side has thinning hair but is 75, no other men on my mom's side.
Father has a full head of hair in his 60s.
Doesn't seem to be any thinning anywhere else on my scalp.
image1 (2).jpeg IMG_3459.jpg


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You don't look to be receding, at least not to me. Even if you were receding it's not the end of it. As long as your crown is not thinning or you don't have any diffuse thinning going on, just a hairline recession is nothing to worry about. I'd start worrying if I saw crown thinning or diffuse thinning along with the hairline recession.