Just more 'bald guys' disproving the nonsense


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A reply i posted on the general forum where fred and co were coming out with the usual 'sure you will' to a guy saying he was going to own his buzz cut. Yet again two more examples to add to what can be seen just by stepping outside your f'n house. That is, bald men are in no way anywhere near as disadvantaged as some would like you to believe:

This is more of an impact forum post but found these two things just by chance yesterday:

1) a bald guy stealing the gf/ex gf of his pretty NW1 teammate. Not saying it's great behaviour but the point is some of the loser personalities on the impact forum e.g. Fred would preach that this sort of thing isn't possible. ('The bald guy is always one step away from losing his girl to a nice NW1 guy, i'm a wimp bla bla')


2) Australian dating in the dark. Bald guy who again, most of the depressive characters on this forum would say looks like sh*t turning down the chance to meet the hot girl who agreed to meet him after she saw him and liked his appearance in the light. Minute 43 i think. Oh, the other guys all had pretty hair. I know...impossible right!


Again, to the OP, you look great. The shaved look gives you a masculine presence (my genuine opinion). Own it and you'll be 100× the man of the wimpy forum trolls on here who want you to feel as bad as they do.


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OK...it all depends on person..
His guts and ability to impress the target girl...

Being wimp is not option to a bald person....never...

( I have attempted to make friendship with the extremely close friend of my crush,whom I loved so much that it destroyed me when. She got married to my relative..

This girl didnot know I am that person..
I am very risk taking person...

This best friend of my crush was in a hotel,chatting on phone..
When I went there..I gave my orders and was waiting for the parcel and I sat near her,I just needed one connection point to start the conversation...

I said Hi..and started rolling on..

I did not tell her my name because that will be my RIP move...

Even becoming friends with her will be success...huge sucess for me...


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It's certainly not a death sentence. I'm amazed at the amount of self loathing in the online hair loss communities.

My friends who lost hair young all ended up with solid careers and married women I think are quite beautiful.


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It's certainly not a death sentence. I'm amazed at the amount of self loathing in the online hair loss communities.

My friends who lost hair young all ended up with solid careers and married women I think are quite beautiful.

All those marriages are on the brink of failure according to some of the nutjobs on here.

But yes, you're right.

I just post these things because it's so easy t o refute the negativity and I hope it stops others getting sucked in to the warped reality on here.

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Pretty much everyone looks worse bald than they would nw1 with a proper haircut.

That doesn't mean that all bald guys cant get girls. Use some basic logic my friend instead of coping.

Even if[u/] this is true (i don't believe it is in all cases), 'looks' only matter so much. Most women want a man at the end of the day (i.e. attitude, character), not some guy who is obsessed with styling his beautuful NW1 hair. That is why all these examples which i post are a reality and statements like 'looks are the only thing which matter' and 'every bald guy finds hair loss devastating' are just b*ll**** myths perpertuated by guys without the balls to know any better from their own experiences.

A quick walk down the street will showcase numerous bald men with attractive women. Sitting on the internet talking to depressive people is toxic and will give a warped reality.


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Hair loss certainly doesn't help and it will affect your chances. It's not the end of the world but you also can't sugar coat it.


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A reply i posted on the general forum where fred and co were coming out with the usual 'sure you will' to a guy saying he was going to own his buzz cut. Yet again two more examples to add to what can be seen just by stepping outside your f'n house. That is, bald men are in no way anywhere near as disadvantaged as some would like you to believe:

This is more of an impact forum post but found these two things just by chance yesterday:

1) a bald guy stealing the gf/ex gf of his pretty NW1 teammate. Not saying it's great behaviour but the point is some of the loser personalities on the impact forum e.g. Fred would preach that this sort of thing isn't possible. ('The bald guy is always one step away from losing his girl to a nice NW1 guy, i'm a wimp bla bla')


2) Australian dating in the dark. Bald guy who again, most of the depressive characters on this forum would say looks like sh*t turning down the chance to meet the hot girl who agreed to meet him after she saw him and liked his appearance in the light. Minute 43 i think. Oh, the other guys all had pretty hair. I know...impossible right!


Again, to the OP, you look great. The shaved look gives you a masculine presence (my genuine opinion). Own it and you'll be 100× the man of the wimpy forum trolls on here who want you to feel as bad as they do.

Guy 1: "Kira Egsgaard - who is separated from her husband but is still living in the same house with their two children" great accomplishment.

Guy 2: Jacked body, and gets girl rubbing her hands over his naked body for free. And THEN she agrees to meet him.

Terrific examples jd.


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Hair loss certainly doesn't help and it will affect your chances. It's not the end of the world but you also can't sugar coat it.

Not sugar coating it. I've seen girls reject guys because they were bald, hell i've probably been rejected in the past when i've shaved my head by a girl who prefers a guy with nice hair. The point is who f'n cares.... it's how you deal with it. There are millions of bald guys out there doing just great in life, getting hot women for fun, with good self esteem having good jobs etc. There are millions of guys with perfect hair who haven't got a clue with girls. A walk down the street can disprove any ridiculous statement about baldness on here. Yet some people would rather spend their lives indoors, blaming every issue they have on hair loss, or worse would like to bring other guys down with their negativity. Barely anything said on this impact forum comes even close to reality and that is the point i am making. It's not saying that baldness is this amazing thing, it's saying it really isn't anywhere near as bad as some people like to claim.

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Guy 1: "Kira Egsgaard - who is separated from her husband but is still living in the same house with their two children" great accomplishment.

Guy 2: Jacked body, and gets girl rubbing her hands over his naked body for free. And THEN she agrees to meet him.

Terrific examples jd.

Haha you guys take the p*ss. You'll cling on to dear life won't you. Both examples disprove a lot of the statements written here instantly and you know it very well. Certain people here would have you believe that a bald guy can't compete at all with a NW1 guy for a woman. I've seen it happen so many times. I've even seen the girls who actually prefer bald guys... but anyway, i won't go on. I've said it before, you lot here could all have perfect hair, have your gf stolen from you by a bald guy who you think is ugly and you still wouldn't believe it.

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These stories are supposed to make the bald guys here feel better.

Please. I have plenty of stories about the bald guys I know, but they're not as glamorous.

You hate being proved so wrong aye ;) Ask for examples and they're never good enough. "Fake!" "I wanna see real people!" I'll get my camera out in public next time and start posting all the pics on here *facepalm*


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A tall, and jacked male with a full head of hair will always trump a balding dude. 100%

Would need to be a social reject to not be able to pull

g.i joey

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jd, i get where youre coming from man 100% but idk why you feel the need to justify your own perception on other people. We all are victim to balding, we all dont have the same mindset and we never will. Hence why some baldies dont even step foot in forums like these, and some get consumed by them.

Our views are all different on balding but we all know one thing; having a full head is better. Now, some people could get over it, some cant. But you cant start saying full head = baldy.

Maybe you're an above average looking guy so the hit is alot easier for you. Some people here need their hair to even stand a chance.


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G.I Joey

I'm almost 100% certain he's one of the guys that looks good with a shaved head, and hair never rely did much for him.

Seems to think because he does fine, that almost all other's are doing alright.

I can assure you from what Iv'e seen, that these confident hyped up balding men are such a minority it's not even worth mentioning

Morph that skull of yours into a NW5 then go on a dating app and tell me how much you pull! But it's just hair!


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A tall, and jacked male with a full head of hair will always trump a balding dude. 100%

Would need to be a social reject to not be able to pull

Again, clearly not true. How come? Because i've seen it happen. Take those 'soccer' players for example...now they aint jacked but they're both fit and healthy athletes. But the bald guy steals the NW1's girl leading to him saying he'll never play on the same team on him again. There are way too many variables involved in attraction for your statement to be true.

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jd, i get where youre coming from man 100% but idk why you feel the need to justify your own perception on other people. We all are victim to balding, we all dont have the same mindset and we never will. Hence why some baldies dont even step foot in forums like these, and some get consumed by them.

Our views are all different on balding but we all know one thing; having a full head is better. Now, some people could get over it, some cant. But you cant start saying full head = baldy.

Maybe you're an above average looking guy so the hit is alot easier for you. Some people here need their hair to even stand a chance.

I think you're one of the more reasoned posters on here from what i've seen. My justification for posting this is as i've already stated. It's also kind of interesting to see how people react when their ludicrous statements are disproved. I just see no point in wallowing in self pity regardless. Anybody can go out there and live a good life.

Your point about how some bald guys would never step foot on these forums is a good one, yet one particular poster here will tell people that everyone is 'devastated' by balding. Again, clearly not true. I imagine the vast majority of guys go though at least some slight insecurity when it starts to happen (what will i look like etc), but saying every guy is devastated by it is just silly.

I'm definitely not an abover average looking guy...well not in my opinion anyway but then i've always had some insecurities. I am though naturally quite athletic and i know it doesn't take much for me to get in decent shape. Facially i'm probably pretty average but i one thing i have got over some guys here from what i see is a more alpha/confident mindset. And whatever anyone says, it goes a long way. A woman looks for clues in your behaviour if she thinks you'll be good in bed for example. Yet again, people here will try to claim looks are everything and behaviour is irrelevant. I'm just highlighting how wrong that is.

Would i rather i had my 21 year old hair? Of course, but more and more i'm realising that it doesn't really matter and that the cr*p i read on forums 7 years ago when i was scared of losing my hair was just that.

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Morph that skull of yours into a NW5 then go on a dating app and tell me how much you pull! But it's just hair!

Dating sites are a time waste for men at the best of times. An average looking woman will get 100 messages a day. A pretty girl i used to date showed me her tinder, every single guy matched with her. Waste of time with pretty hair or bald...going out and actually meeting women in real life quickly levels the playing field a bit.


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Again, clearly not true. How come? Because i've seen it happen. Take those 'soccer' players for example...now they aint jacked but they're both fit and healthy athletes. But the bald guy steals the NW1's girl leading to him saying he'll never play on the same team on him again. There are way too many variables involved in attraction for your statement to be true.

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I think you're one of the more reasoned posters on here from what i've seen. My justification for posting this is as i've already stated. It's also kind of interesting to see how people react when their ludicrous statements are disproved. I just see no point in wallowing in self pity regardless. Anybody can go out there and live a good life.

Your point about how some bald guys would never step foot on these forums is a good one, yet one particular poster here will tell people that everyone is 'devastated' by balding. Again, clearly not true. I imagine the vast majority of guys go though at least some slight insecurity when it starts to happen (what will i look like etc), but saying every guy is devastated by it is just silly.

I'm definitely not an abover average looking guy...well not in my opinion anyway but then i've always had some insecurities. I am though naturally quite athletic and i know it doesn't take much for me to get in decent shape. Facially i'm probably pretty average but i one thing i have got over some guys here from what i see is a more alpha/confident mindset. And whatever anyone says, it goes a long way. A woman looks for clues in your behaviour if she thinks you'll be good in bed for example. Yet again, people here will try to claim looks are everything and behaviour is irrelevant. I'm just highlighting how wrong that is.

Would i rather i had my 21 year old hair? Of course, but more and more i'm realising that it doesn't really matter and that the cr*p i read on forums 7 years ago when i was scared of losing my hair was just that.

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Dating sites are a time waste for men at the best of times. An average looking woman will get 100 messages a day. A pretty girl i used to date showed me her tinder, every single guy matched with her. Waste of time with pretty hair or bald...going out and actually meeting women in real life quickly levels the playing field a bit.

only a waste of time if you're average looking. Might do more harm then good.

When you are handsome it serves as a good secondary source for tail.

Day time pick up is still the best way to meet girls in my opinion, also.

Most women I met from the online scene didn't look like their pictures. It's very deceptive, that's why I prefer real life encounters. No tricks, both sexes will know within seconds of meeting if they want each other.


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My Regimen
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A lot of guys in wheelchairs get laid.

But i bet my chances would drop if i lost my legs.


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Most women I met from the online scene didn't look like their pictures. It's very deceptive, that's why I prefer real life encounters. No tricks, both sexes will know within seconds of meeting if they want each other.

Women have perfected the art of taking pictures from being on social media. Camera angles and lighting can make a huge difference.


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My Regimen
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Hey guys, what do you think of my Tinder profile picture? Do I look good?



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OP you forgot to mention that footballer is a millionaire superstar athlete... and he didn't steal her she's already split from that guy. Now that golddigger's older and uglier a bald footballer is the only footballer that golddigger can attract.

Sorry? Both are rich footballers. I fail to see your point. The woman already has plenty of money...she now wants to be with the bald guy who SHE clearly doesn't find uglier...

Have you got an excuse about the other link. I mean of course the narrative is that the moment the lights go on and she sees that he is so bald and ugly, she either runs the other direction in horror or mocks him for his baldness. Right?? Oh, but actually she stands there admiring him and wants to meet him only be turned down. Must be all fake.

I swear the guys on this impact forum just don't have a clue with women. Do you not even realise that there are women that prefer guys who are bald and see it as masculine? F*ck dont know why I even bother asking.

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only a waste of time if you're average looking. Might do more harm then good.

When you are handsome it serves as a good secondary source for tail.

Day time pick up is still the best way to meet girls in my opinion, also.

Most women I met from the online scene didn't look like their pictures. It's very deceptive, that's why I prefer real life encounters. No tricks, both sexes will know within seconds of meeting if they want each other.

No..they dont look like their photos. Hence another reason why it is pointless. Why waste your time on online dating when if you have the balls you can meet women any time, anywhere.

This guy says it well;


By the way he does 'daygame' with a bald guy and i guarantee they get more girls than any of you, with or without hair on this forum.