just my case...


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I just wanted to make an hair transplant...i'm 23...and thining in front with 1,5-2 cm receded corners of the hairline....so I emailed some doctors...the best in europe and usa...in europe ...i've emailed some like this

bhr clinic - they told me just to stick with propecia for a fea years...
prohair - the same...
dr cole - the same...
hasson and wong - the same...
dr feller and dr ron shapiro wanted to see me face to face...
newhair - the same...
rahal - recommemded 1500 grafts- 2000 grafts...with 5000$
kulis estetik turkey - 2500 grafts - 2800 $...is not a famous clinic but is good in fue because i've seen 3 patients ...and the results were good...
almost all of them...told me just to stay on propecia...actually i began to take it for 2 weeks ...1.25 proscar...daily....no sides...but I'm wondering how many time should I wait to have an implant...what's the point to make it at 35? I will not need it then...I need to look good now and to date girls...and to meet new people...also I'm realistic...and at leat 1 one year I will wait...to see what happens...is not so serious right now...I mean with 1500 grafts I will fix all the problems...I have seen people who's taking an hair transplant at 26...and they are ok...still being on propecia after...but this I think it worth if you want to have hair...is here somebody who made the hair transplant in early age?


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i would recommend you to use fina for 1 year...

after that you make new pictures of you head on top in a bright room or outside in daylight...

an mail the clinics again with this pics and the info that your allready 1 year on finasteride...
if the clinics are sure that your hairloss is stopped and your allready 1 year on fina, then they will give you a hair transplant....

running to the clinic that would do it anyway , thats a high risk
if your hair shifted some after the hair transplant , then you will have unnatural looking hair in the front....
i would give more credit to the clinic that advice to use fina first then the clinics that would do it right away , without thinking about the risks....


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yes....I know...with the guys from turkey I didn't talked too much....they don't know to speak english very much...and they didn't tell me anything else ...just the price...in case that i'm interested in their services...at the first sight they don't look too trustful...but they are only taking care about hair...and...I've seen 3 results...good results...the only minor issue was the orientation of some hairs...but it wasn't so bad...overall...with that price...it was very very good...of course...that I can afford all those doctors...I've seen that some of them have prices like 15$ dollars per graft...for 3000 grafts the price will be 45000$...no way...I will afford something like 3$-4$ per grafts...nothing more...I will stay on propecia for a year...to see what is happening...!


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the high prices are from the american docs is think ?
most of them preffer fut/strip , fue is more the basic in europe...

i have payed calculated to dollar : 3,12 dollar / graft fue...
based on price for 2500 grafts


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- 2509 FUE hair transplant prohairclinic (07-04-10)



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yep , did a hair transplant on 6 and 7 april 2010 , last week...
my report with picturs are in the hair transplant section...


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yea....the american doctors are expensive...indeed they have great results....but why they are using strip fut...instead of fue? I would like much more fue...because if I'll have a nice outline of hairline...I would like to buzz me hair...and with that scar in the back...is not to easy...I'm just happy in one way...I looked in the mirror and i have seen that I have a lot of hair there...probably I could cover the entire front an crown with that...I have seen so much pictures with implants...and If u just a have a strong hairline...in the back of this the hair can be less dens...because is not so noticeable...the hair implant is really an art of illusion...where everything really matter...the skin colour...hair colour...hair type...and some others...