just now think i'm noticing shedding but not sure,,,


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I am 27.5 years of age. Just 2 or 3 weeks ago I have noticed it appears I'm getting thinner on top, not necessarily as much in the back. My dad and paternal grandparents are both bald (granny is 80 and thin) but I have heard this is typically a trait inherited from the Mothers side of the family and her father and brothers have thick hair.

At this point I have a couple of theories that maybe even though I have thinned a little maybe i'm not balding. I have been using that Fructas ultra strength hair gel and one method of applying it I was doing was rubbing it deep into the scalp sort of like shampoo then spiking. could it be that this time of year a guy my age just sheds a bit? I do not think I am losing more than 50 hairs per day, If I am then I am not seeing it. I am probabally seeing 20 to 30. I would think that if i were truely balding I would have noticed it much sooner in life.

Any advice is helpful. I will probabally go see a doctor in the next few weeks but I think next friday i might go ahead and shave the head


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One more thing. I have closesly examined the hairs I have lost and out of the 20 to 30 that I look at , maybe 1 out of every 3 do I see the root. it is only 1 root and once I pulled a hair out on my arm before and I seen 2 roots about a centimeter apart. Maybe that partcular hair was a total loss


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i'm not quite sure what sort of response you're expecting here .. ?

post some clear, good sized pics of your hairline and the top of your head with bright lighting and/or the flash and we'll tell you if you're going bald or not.