Just read a negative review for a certain doctor and it had scared me to death

So long Hair

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Hi all

Most of you probably don't remember me, as I haven't been on here in 10 years! Where does the time go eh? Whats kept me off here all this time is, thankfully, the fact that my hairloss has been spectacularly slow and has only recently gotten bad. The reason I return is really, to be entirely honest, a cry for help/advice.

I have finally decided to bite the bullet and have booked a procedure with a very prolific Canadian doctor. I have chosen him after years of research and until recently, I really had a lot of faith in him with all his amazing before and after photos and the wonderful reception he has received on many a website over the years.

However, just recently, I read these reviews:


Needless to say, one or two of those reviews have scared to death, Im really scared that I may have made the wrong decision. This is not the first review I have read which accuses him of "rushing through it", and another hair transplant Doctor I visited not so long ago gave me the exact words: "Dont go to him, thats all I'll say"... I just assumed he was jealous of him at the time and was trying to make a sale. Then I read up on the member who got an infection after a megasession. Has he lost his touch perhaps? He doesnt seem to be as popular as he once was around these parts, or am I wrong?

Please believe me when I say that I am not in any way trolling, I just need some reassurance. If one feels they dont want to post their opinion publicly, a pm would be great. Either way, any info on this would be so very much obliged.


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yep..not surprising...I did an online consultation and he seemed to have it all figured out from just looking at pictures...not likely..I kept telling his assistant I reeeeally think an in-person consult would be better...that was a year ago....If I would have done the procedure a year ago, i would have been screwed because I lost more frontal hair, just like I was worried about...

...also --- the trail went cold on Rahal's first robotic transplant blog...no knew pictures...something went wrong there...

...personally, I think he knows something is coming down the pipe i.e, scarless FUE and donor regeneration, and he's just milking it now before things change...

...I would wait for scarless FUE to come out...will be a game-changer, especially once they perfect the PRP application and secure donor regeneration


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True. Do more research. Canada has some good docs. Find one that will give you the time and attn. you need.


Senior Member
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+1 Sadly some docs need a gentle reminder they are there to exclusively serve their patient(s).