Just realized I have to start dutasteride...

Ben hur

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I got my hair cut today... all the female hairdressers are so amazingly good looking here in sweden :) whcih makes even more embarrasing when you have male pattern baldness and need to shorten your hair. The girl who cut me today said halfway through: "you've been thinning a lot, huh?". I replied "yeah" and laughed but inside I felt like sh*t. She's the first hairdresser to ever mention this, which made me feel pretty down.

So it has been going downhill despite the big 3 for 2 years (I'm 22, started at 20). This suuucks!! Considering the way I feel right now, and how big of an impact my hairloss has on my mental wellness I really need to do all I can to fight it. That's why I'm thinking about adding dutasteride ASAP.

Just wanted to share my thoughts. I'm gonna share some photos aswell pretty soon, just got to borrow a camera.

Damn, all I want is to keeeeep and maintain what I have (I still think I have a full head of hair)... is that to much to ask?


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Let's take an honest look at your regimen. Sorry if these seem like obvious questions but sometimes the answer ends up surprising us. Each one of these things seriously can affect the success of your regimen.

1. Have you used Nizoral shampoo at most (and at least) once every 3 days with or without itch being present for the whole 2 years?

2. Have you ever missed doses of Propecia in the 2 year period? If so how often, and for what duration would be the longest?

3. Are you applying Rogaine once or twice a day?

4. Have you switched types of Rogaine or stayed with the same the whole time?

5. Have you ever missed doses of Rogaine in the 2 year period? If so how often, and for what duration would be the longest?

6. Have you had any irritation, any itch, any inflammation or any flaking whatsoever on your scalp throughout this 2 year period?



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HairlossTalk said:
Let's take an honest look at your regimen. Sorry if these seem like obvious questions but sometimes the answer ends up surprising us. Each one of these things seriously can affect the success of your regimen.

1. Have you used Nizoral shampoo at most (and at least) once every 3 days with or without itch being present for the whole 2 years?

2. Have you ever missed doses of Propecia in the 2 year period? If so how often, and for what duration would be the longest?

3. Are you applying Rogaine once or twice a day?

4. Have you switched types of Rogaine or stayed with the same the whole time?

5. Have you ever missed doses of Rogaine in the 2 year period? If so how often, and for what duration would be the longest?

6. Have you had any irritation, any itch, any inflammation or any flaking whatsoever on your scalp throughout this 2 year period?


7. Are you sure you have androgenetic alopecia ?


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I was going to wait until 1 - 6 before I asked that, but since we jumped the gun on it ... yes ... it may be that your problem isn't DHT. Or maybe simply that your body is overcompensating enough that Propecia isn't able to do the trick.

I still think its important to rule out 1 - 6 before complicating the equation by introducing these possibilities though.

Many times the guy will say something like "Well I did take 3 months off Rogaine, and recently i went from 1 time a day to 2 times a day, and back in march i switched from 1mg finpecia to 1mg Merck Propecia and then to Proscar quartered 1.25mg finasteride" ...



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HairLossTalk.com, are you so certain that propecia works that you would perhaps think it was something else other than male pattern baldness when it didn't work over 2 years. the only reason i ask, is that you of all people would know more about the people that come and go on this site and if propecia really works because you respond to probably the most posts over the longest time. it sounds like you have a lot of confidence in this stuff. i really hope your right, i'm having a bad day today :-(

Ben hur

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I think I followed out with my routine pretty regularly. Nizoral and rogaine has pretty much been constant for the whole time (except when I travelled in asia, then I missed 1 month of rogaine). Haven't missed a single pill of finasteride the last two years, BUT last christmas I switched to 1/4 of proscar (brand name) instead of propecia (to save some $). I'm starting to think that might have been a mistake but I'm not sure... when I was on propecia I didn't really gain anything but I think I manage to maintain somewhat, the big difference between propecia and proscar for me was the side effects. When I first started propecia I hade after some months lost of libido and even ejaculation disorder (for some time no semen came out (!), that side effect eventually subsided though (puh)) However when on proscar I haven't had any side effect whatsoever... maybe sligth loss of libido, but altoghether I had more side effects on propecia and maybe more positive effect on my hair aswell so I'm gonna switch back on monday. Maybe take propecia in the morning and proscar at night.

To answer the other questions: Yes I'm 100% certain that I have male pattern baldness, No, I'm basicly thinning everywhere with receeding temples. the worst thinning is at the crown i'd say.

I'd love to show pictures but how do I upload them?[/img]


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Trent8 said:
HairLossTalk.com, are you so certain that propecia works that you would perhaps think it was something else other than male pattern baldness when it didn't work over 2 years.
Propecia alone? We have scientific proof that it works to at least maintain in 83% of people. Rogaine alone? We have proof that it works in at least 46% of people to stimulate or maintain. Propecia and Rogaine together ... PLUS nizoral .... ? Lets just say the chances of it not at least maintaining are very slim. ... but of course ... 17% of people Propecia will do nothing for, and 54% of people Rogaine will do nothing for ...

Ben.... email them to me at HairLossTalk.com @ hairlosstalk . com
