Just started on Dutas (generic avodart)


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Hi I'll post my experiences with Dutas here once in a while.

About me: white 25 year old male.
Shedding for about 5 years.
I have been on Propecia for about 2 years, then stopped treatment for 1 year (i'm a student i didn't have the money to buy new onces).
about Norwood scale 2, mostly frontal shedding en thinning.
Now it's about one year after propecia and i'm losing hair pretty fast. I guess propecia worked better for me than i realised. At least to keep the hair count stable.

Ordered Dutas 0,5mg from Unitedpharmacies ($120 - 100 capsules).
They look authentic dr reddy's dutas. But i guess there's no way to tell for sure.

I've been taking the capsules once a day for about a week now.

Only 1 noticeble side-affect:
Almost no new acne. My face feels a little dryer but that's good for me since i have an oily skin. (for acne i also use tretinoin 0,05% on doctor's prescription). This must be the proof i'm taking genuine dutasteride as this side-affect is mentioned by many others on dutasteride.

Sorry for my english if it isn't perfect. I'm from the Netherlands.


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hey Harry,

Let us know how you go. I've been thinking about getting on dutasteride for a while but just havn't seen enough people saying positive things about it to convince me. What made you start?


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been on dutasteride 0.5mg and finasteride 1.25mg for 4mths. The last 6 weeks shedding like hell :roll:


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I use Generic Dutas from the same source as you.

About 2 weeks after adding it to my daily regimen, I noticed the same pattern of when i first started propecia: A slight pain in the testicles, increased libido, oily skin. Then my body swung the other way: Reduced sex drive, clear skin. Now things seem to have balanced out.

However, after almost 3 months of treatment. I have not seen an results yet. In fact my hair is falling out and losing quality faster than it did before.

I'm planning a trip to my GP to have my blood work done again, because with the amount of DHT i have theoretically eliminated between a daily routine of Dutasteride & Topical spironolactone, it's hard to believe that my hair loss would speed up.


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Hi bomb,

Yeah, this is the sort of stuff some people seem to say about dutasteride. I read quite a bit about people saying they loose more after switching from finasteride. It does seem strange as the theory says it shouldn't do you any harm (inhibiting more DHT) but thats what people say. I'm still looking for some positive feedback about it...anybody?



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not a LOT going on here.. seems there are new hairs growing but im not sure enough to really confirm it.
But i'm absolutely sure im not losing as much hair as i did before.
I'm norwoord 1/2 so it's harder to detect any changes..
I'm still posstive though. :)

No detectable side affects what so ever.

On Propecia i also didn't detect anything till i stopped and lost a lot of hair.


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Where the hell are you guys getting all these wicked avatars from?


Deaner said:
Where the hell are you guys getting all these wicked avatars from?

deaner, you want me to make you a avatar?

I do it for you, yes sir, no dollar, no dollar.



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after about 5 months i don't lose hair anymore.
My hair in the frontal area is thicker and darker.
Normally the thinner hair in the frontal area used to curl a little. Now it's straight again.
I'm very happy with the results :)


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I've been on avodart for almost 16 months. Its the real deal!!! I've almost back to a full head of hair. My hair is super thick all around. Before i was on propecia for 2 years and most just maintained. Avodart is the best thing out for hailoss. BUT im probably gonna have to quit avodart because its ruined my face. It has dried out my face to no end. Its way to dry. I've gotten one really big wrinkle, and others forming and getting worse by the day. I also have skin thats saggin or hanging down, and other areas where the skin is sunkin down more compared to the rest of my face. I certain lightening i see it, and something is definately wrong. And it continues to get worse. Its so bad that im considering quitting the drug even though it braught back about all my hair. I just dont know what to do. Im using moisturizers, and still the problem continues to get worse. Its very depressing and im just warning you all that over time, using avodart will prob do the samething to you. ANd also, when my pimples pop, they forma a scab, well guess what, the scabs DO NOT HEAL!!!! Which leads to pitted scars. Theres my results on avodart.