Just started on finasteride - how long can I wait before adding Min?


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If I'm sucessfully maintaining the hair I have at the moment by a year or two from now with Finasteride; will the regrowth potential of Minoxidil be reduced by then, or will it stay the same as it is now since the DHT should have been blocked?


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I believe the evidence shows that minoxidil and finasteride used at the same time increases the effectiveness of both.


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The reason for me asking is because that's not an option at the moment, since I can't afford them both right now as I'm a student. I even had to sell some stuff to buy my first package of Propecia. :shock:

I'll try to get a job this summer, so I might be able to spend some money on using both together later on.

And as I said earlier - I'd be happy with just maintaining; but I still don't want to ruin any possible regrowth.

I have one bottle of 5% Minoxidil now, but if I used it for a month and then couldn't buy another one, I'd probably have three sheds around the corner (finasteride-intro, min-intro, min-outro). :freaked:


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Kirkland Minoxidil costs about $90 a year . Maybe it's cheaper somewhere? Anyone?

http://www.onlyhairloss.com/men/minoxid ... rce=google

Could you afford propecia for about $250 a year? If so look up "Proscar" and you can cut each pill into 5ths. Someone else can you please provide the guy with a link? (I buy mine from my pharmacy)

If you can get about $350 together your good for a year.

Do what you can now bro, but make it so you are consistant with something. It is no good if you are start, stop over and over again.


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If I get a job this summer, I'll probably have at least three times that; but before that it's not very likely that I'd be able to get $350.

I'll keep using Propecia as long as the side effects doesn't kill me (or, well - important parts of me :shock:) though.

If I got Proscar prescribed, I'd get that for a maximum of $180/year through something called "high cost protection" (which of course does not apply for Rogaine and Propecia).


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mvpsoft said:
I believe the evidence shows that minoxidil and finasteride used at the same time increases the effectiveness of both.

I have also herd that.