Just Started Regenepure Dr As Daily Shampoo


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I just started using Regenepure Dr for the past couple days. I am doubtful it will make any significant difference to my loss but I have found that my scalp hasn't been very itchy and also it has left my hair (moderate diffuse thinning) looking quite nice and full.

My plan is to use it 6 days a week, and then nizoral once a week.

Hangin'on Hair

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Just remember that regene DR has keto in it as well. So you're gonna be blasting your scalp with keto for 7 days.
That might be a little much, and your hair will probably get really dry and brittle.


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regenepure is a waste of time man. its bs. try something else like RU for the itching and ate dht properties.


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I also ordered regenepure. Let's see how it will affect my hair. Hope it will do something for me :(


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it doest work...i still dont know how despite users on the forums who say it doesn't work, ppl are still wasting their money on this product


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Nizoral has Keto in it and there is some science backing it. Shouldn't be the same with regenepure?

Which one would I be better off with? Nizoral or renegepure?

I personally don't expect this to produce miracles here but I'm thinking I'd probably be better off with one of those two than a normal shampoo. Right?


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its a waste of time shampoo....stop giving this company money

I have no idea if it helps with 'hair loss' but i LOVE this shampoo.

I love it because it helps fight excess oil without drying my scalp out.

I find since i have hair loss my hair gets greasier than it used to. someone explained its same amount of oil from scalp but less hair.

this shampoo when I use it gives my hair a lot of body (i can literally see the hairs in magnifying mirror standing up compared to other shampoos) and its less oil and less limp.

It just makes my hair look better.

I use a prescription Keto from Dr on and off.

Do i think it helped my hair loss? no but i think it has kept my scalp realy clean and therefore perhaps helped minoxidil sink in better...im a great responder to minoxidil so its hard to know what else is helping or not.


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regenepure is a waste of time man. its bs. try something else like RU for the itching and ate dht properties.

Dude it's a keto 1% shampoo, there are over 10 reputable studies showing it as effective in combating hair loss, and also as an effective anti-androgen on its own. Not only that but it makes my hair look 10x better than when I use nizoral, and it doesn't smell like sh*t like nizoral.

Also, since when was RU a replacement for shampoo?


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I'm saying, if you want to waste your time using something that is possibly anti-androgen, then your better off using RU than regenepure DR.


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I'm saying, if you want to waste your time using something that is possibly anti-androgen, then your better off using RU than regenepure DR.

It isn't possibly an anti-androgen, it is scientifically proven to be an anti-androgen by hundreds of studies. It is also proven to be effective as a hairloss treatment in over ten studies I have read and probably twice that overall.

Most people use a shampoo every day, so why not use a shampoo that helps hairloss with anti-androgenic effects? RU has not been proved as effective as an anti-androgen as even finasteride in any study either.

What you are saying is completely stupid, and you know it. Why is it so hard for some people to admit they made a stupid comment?


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I'm saying, if you want to waste your time using something that is possibly anti-androgen, then your better off using RU than regenepure DR.

What do you have against Regenepure? What are your thoughts on nizoral?


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Most people use a shampoo every day, so why not use a shampoo that helps hairloss with anti-androgenic effects?

That's the main reason I started using it. If I'm going to shampoo regularly, then might as well use something that has a chance of helping my hair.


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Hi guys,

Has anyone else experienced severe hair loss with the (dr) shampoo? I notice that on the days i use the regenepure dr shampoo (T, T, S), i lose a lot of hair as soon as i apply the shampoo. They literally are all over my hands once i am done lathering. 20 - 30 strands at least. And another 20-30 strands when i rinse off.

On other days when i use my other normal shampoo, i lose maybe 3-5 strands. Its been over 2 months of regular usage and the hair loss has not stopped. I dont think its just an initial shed. I am close to giving up on the shampoo. Dont think its going to help with the hair loss, but likely to make me bald faster.

Anyone else have a similar experience? Anyone have tips / suggestions to share? Would be very grateful for your advice.