Just Started Tricomin ... Ok to add spironolactone or Should I Wait?


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I have been taking Propecia for 11-12 months maintaining my norwood 2, 2.5 hairline. I have also been using Nizoral for the past 4 months now. I would like some regrowth on the hairline using Tricomin or spironolactone or both without using Minoxidil. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but here's my question. I just started using Tricomin a couple of days ago and am considering using spironolactone lotion as well, but I was wondering should I add spironolactone lotion now or wait 6 months - 12 months with Tricomin to see what results it may bring, and if there are no visibile results at that time then add spironolactone? More general question would be, should someone only add one thing to their regimen at a time and see how it works out or more than one if each product that you'd be adding had different purposes?


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Honestly, a person really serious about treating male pattern baldness should use

1. dht inhibitor (optional-can use only spironolactone)

2. androgen receptor blocker (spironolactone)

3. growth stimulators (minoxidil in troubled areas) and Cu Peptide

4. Anti-fungal (Nizoral)

5. Anti-inflammation/anti-fibrotic (Cu peptide)

Leaving out one of these treatment options will leave you exposed to hair loss, so who cares which one is working the best? I say dont wait and just cover all bases.


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JesusFreak said:
Honestly, a person really serious about treating male pattern baldness should use

1. dht inhibitor (optional-can use only spironolactone)

2. androgen receptor blocker (spironolactone)

3. growth stimulators (minoxidil in troubled areas) and Cu Peptide

4. Anti-fungal (Nizoral)

5. Anti-inflammation/anti-fibrotic (Cu peptide)

Leaving out one of these treatment options will leave you exposed to hair loss, so who cares which one is working the best? I say dont wait and just cover all bases.

JesusFreak...why would Tricomin cause minor burning sensation on the scalp?

Tony M


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JesusFreak...why would Tricomin cause minor burning sensation on the scalp?

Probably a local dermotological reaction to one of the ingredients in tricomin. I my skin is sensitive like this to some soaps.

But, who knows "I always tell the truth, even when I lie."


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JesusFreak said:
JesusFreak...why would Tricomin cause minor burning sensation on the scalp?

Probably a local dermotological reaction to one of the ingredients in tricomin. I my skin is sensitive like this to some soaps.

But, who knows "I always tell the truth, even when I lie."

Could this cause more harm then good? I really want to keep using it, and I do believe that it may be burning from a reaction, but the overall inflamation and fibrosis can still be taken cared of. Any word on this?

Thanks again,


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"You wanna waste my time? Okay. I call my lawyer. He's the best lawyer in Miami. He's such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow morning, you gonna be working in Alaska. So dress warm."

Could this cause more harm then good? I really want to keep using it, and I do believe that it may be burning from a reaction, but the overall inflamation and fibrosis can still be taken cared of. Any word on this?

I don't know, but unfortunately it doesnt sound good. I dont know the extent of the reaction. You could try reducing the application amount and frequency. You could try applying it at a difffernt time that you apply other topicals. You could get some sample of American Crew or Folligen or Tin Peptides and see if you are equally allergic to them.


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JesusFreak said:
"You wanna waste my time? Okay. I call my lawyer. He's the best lawyer in Miami. He's such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow morning, you gonna be working in Alaska. So dress warm."

Could this cause more harm then good? I really want to keep using it, and I do believe that it may be burning from a reaction, but the overall inflamation and fibrosis can still be taken cared of. Any word on this?

I don't know, but unfortunately it doesnt sound good. I dont know the extent of the reaction. You could try reducing the application amount and frequency. You could try applying it at a difffernt time that you apply other topicals. You could get some sample of American Crew or Folligen or Tin Peptides and see if you are equally allergic to them.

It is not something that occurs all day. I apply it after I shower and let it sit all day. My scalp has no redness and the flaking is almost non-existant. The burning doesnt last all day, its minimal, and occurs after the Tricomin has dried. Maybe Im putting to much of it on and irritating my scalp...hmmmm? Darn it, I may go the Folligen route next time.