just to cheer you up


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askas said:
People posting here are mostly who cope badly with hairloss. All the others don't post and feel well. Now I'm in the second part of it. It doesn't bother me as much, I feel I cope very well with it, and I focus on other aspects of my life like career, yoga, et cetera. I shave my head and feel comfortable with it. I only come here from time to time to see if any cloning is on the way, but without any desperation. Sure, it hits when you're down, but generally I'm doing fine so I don't post here anymore. Best.
Well, that's good for you. I am bald too with male pattern baldness at its late stages, of course I don't like it but I accepted the fact long ago (no real medical solutions at that time) and I am also doing fine today. Besides, in my region seeing young men (in the range 25-35) with advanced male pattern baldness is not uncommon, so it is not like I would feel like the fly in the milk. It really helps.

This does not mean that you should not write here. There are many people in this forum who need emotional/psychological support at some point.