Just took my 3rd propecia pill


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Not sure if it's all in my head or not. Haven't gotten the random erection since I started taking it and I have a dull ache in my testicles. Not sure if it's just reacting badly with me, if my body is just adjusting, or if it's all in my head. Any advice?


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Here we go again...

Let me get it in before anybody else. finasteride is poison bla bla bla. Maybe you should try RU.


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I'm aware that the odds of me getting sides are super low, but I'm also aware that they're possible. I just am skeptical that I could feel the sides 3 pills in, so I'm assuming this is all in my head.


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Yes finasteride can give testicle pain or sensibility: it's a common side effect for everything that raise testosterone level.

It's probably because you experience elevated testosterone level, give it some time and check if it disapear.


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Just an update. The dull ache still remains, but I think it has lessened. The ED I was experiencing went away the second I told my self to stop being a b**ch. My guy doesn't seem to spring into action right away like it did before I took the pill, but it still gets there and stays there. I still haven't gotten the random erection or morning wood which is concerning. Libido seems lower then normal, but I had a crazy high libido before so this could be for the best. I'm assuming since things have slowly been getting better, eventually everything will return to normal form once my body adjusts.


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Another update. Testicle pain seems to almost have gone away, but today I woke up with kind of sore nipples. I've been testing them to make sure no gyno, and I might have just irritated them. I've also been traveling a lot and withdrawing from nicotine, so it might be overall body soreness. I don't feel a lump in my nipple, but could this be an early sign of gyno?


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Hi longshothero,
Just wonder if you have any updates about the side effects and especially about the results from taking finasteride.