Just took my first finasteride tablet. Crapping myself


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I've just taken my first finasteride tablet from inhouse after looking at the packet for two days thinking wether i should or not well i've just cut one in half and taken it but used to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and i aint had them for ages but all of a sudden as soon as i took it i felt all weird. Its probably in my head but hopefully i'll be ok.


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yeah its def. in your head 100%

pretty much no way in hell taking .5 of finasteride one time could possibly do ANYTHING to you. you'll be fine....although if you're going to take it for a week and get paranoid about every little thing then maybe you should just not take it because you shouldnt start and stop it...no point. so maybe you should wait until you get over the fear

i've been on it for a week now...so far so good...you can read my week update under the "Chris87's Finasteride Diary" thread on the anti-androgen board


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Anyone who's taken 1 pill and is 'crapping themselves' is probably going to find some sides. :thumbdown2:


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Well i've been on them two days, it was definitely in my head the second time i took them i was fine. No sides so far expect i normally have to wash my hair every other day due to the amount of sebum and so far my hair doesnt feel like it needs washing, i dont know if thats a good thing or what but at least somethings happening.