Keeping hair for your loved ones


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Nobody wants to lose hair, same for me.

Keeping and saving my hair during hair loss is not only for me to look good and confident, its also for my loved ones.

I want to look good for them because I love them. Regardless whether they say they mind or not, I still want to look good for them for this reason.

It does make a difference when we go out with our loved ones and someone on the streets or your friends and relatives ask our loved ones what happen to us, secretly. Or they may stare in just a manner at us.

Some psychological stress will be inevitably caused by others to our loved ones due to our balding because of general hard-to-erased social perceptions. It’s the world of the majority. I do not want my loved ones to suffer unnecessary mental stress, thus keeping my hair not only for me, but also for them.


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haha my loved ones are messed up. im seriously really thin up top and i buzz it down to a zero and theyre still like "omg i cant belive you shave your head you're not going bald" because my norwood zero hairline and an inch back is still thicker than the whole top of my head. my older brother whos going bald as well is so ridiculously unaware too. he had super thick hair to begin with though, thats why he still has more hair than me despite the fact that we both started losing at 20 and hes 4 years older than me. me on the other hand had thin hair to begin with, thats why ive lost almost all of it in 2 and a half years.

its funny, even when i grew out my hair to about 10 days length, my family still didnt believe i was balding, even though, to me, in the mirror i could see i distinct nw7 horshoe with a hairline.

im destined to have the same hair as friar tuck. except for the fact that i have DUPA! which means even my sides and especially my back are too thin to grow out! and im only 23 years old! LOL isnt god awesome!! i dont care much though because i look good shaved and i can punch out most people. and plus i have a wicked job, a nice truck, a sweet apartment, and i get laid alot.

hey who says being bald in your 20s is the end of the world?

Hans Gruber

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im destined to have the same hair as friar tuck. except for the fact that i have DUPA! which means even my sides and especially my back are too thin to grow out! and im only 23 years old! LOL isnt god awesome!!


its genetics ,not god,there is no god.

uncomfortable man

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So I am letting my loved ones down by loosing my hair? My six year old daughter loves me unconditionally and has no expectations for me to keep my hair. Are you trying to insinuate that someone is less of a person as a result of hair loss? When it comes to your loved ones, hair shouldn't mean sh*t. I just think you are afraid that if you loose your hair nobody will love you.


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uncomfortable man said:
So I am letting my loved ones down by loosing my hair? My six year old daughter loves me unconditionally and has no expectations for me to keep my hair. Are you trying to insinuate that someone is less of a person as a result of hair loss? When it comes to your loved ones, hair shouldn't mean sh*t. I just think you are afraid that if you loose your hair nobody will love you.

you get me wrong.

what i mean is like we are trying to be the best for our loved ones.. thus trying to keep our best if we can for them too.

Captain Obvious

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I know exactly what you mean.

Let's not kid ourselves: we are turning ugly right in front of them. And they care, not about our looks, but about our confidence and how people will look at us. Family knew us all first as handsome young men with cute little heads of hair. That was the only image of us they knew for 20 or so years. That's a long time to get used to a guy with hair. And then when it starts to go bald they are forced to look at something very different. And I'll say it again, very ugly.

<Insert comment about how they will love us regardless and we are still good people, blah, blah>

uncomfortable man

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People who are going to go bald are going to go bald regardless of how much they care for their family. Balding is just a fact of life and until they come out with a cure people just need to come to terms with it and not equate baldness with failure somehow. Like I said before, your family should love you unconditionally weather you have a full head of hair or have a crazy horseshoe like me, despite the negative social stigma towards bald people.

Hans Gruber

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i know ive got a lot of posts on this forum but sometimes i read the most stupid things.

uncomfortable man

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That was a dumb joke, kinda like this thread.