Kevis worked for's all natural


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Kevis? WTF is that sh*t???


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Ok got the ingredients:

Water, SD Alcohol 40-c+SD Alcohol 3-c, Propylene Glycol, Hydolized Glycosaminoglycans (Thioglycoran), Panthenol, Sorbic Acid, Methylparaben, Hyaluronic Acid (H.U.C.P.), Thurfylnicotinate HCL, Propylparaben, Sodium Hydroxide, Biotin, Fragrance.

Main Active Ingredient: Hyaluronic Acid

The Hyaluronic Acid Brick Wall for Hair Loss by - Alice Hunter

There is a treatment out there for hair loss that is not FDA-regulated or stamp approved, but it has been really selling big-time in Europe, over 400 million dollars worth of solution sold to the European market since 1994. %GOOGLEAD%

It is 100% natural, and it claims to block DHT, the culprit that causes hair loss by turning testosterone into hair-shriveling, follicle-destroying DHT, dehydrotestosterone.

European studies in Italy and France have been performed which prove that this formula does prevent hair from falling out.

Its primary ingredient is a super-fortification; concentration of an ingredient the company calls Hyaluronic Acid, abbreviated HUCP.

Hyaluronic Acid is a substance in the human body?s connective tissue that cushions and lubricates joints. It is vital to the health of the eyes and to the penetrating ability of sperm. Is has been tested and used in several ?anti-aging? products. %GOOGLEAD%

If you need more evidence of its efficiency as a hair loss preventative, you may run into a brick wall. The term, Hyaluronic Acid can?t be found on the Google Scholar. The FDA offers nothing in their vast database for this acid in connection with hair loss. In other words, your research for performance verification will be a bust.

The company that makes the popular hair loss product claims to have been on the US market for ten years?and longer in Europe, which stands to reason. It is famous with its European audience and claims in its advertisements to have a success rate of 92% in five different European countries.

The product and shampoo is produced in Italy that holds a European and US patent for the DHT-blocker that makes the formula successful. The formula includes glyco-proteins and amino acids that aid in the hydration of the hair follicles.

Medical doctors and most American Dermatologists do not believe that proper hydration of the hair cell follicle to be especially important to hair preservation.

American companies that make the FDA-approved lab drugs that treat hair loss, and even American companies that offer 100% natural ingredient hair loss treatments, say that if the product is not tested in the United States, it could be dangerous.

This may not be the case.

Currently, the FDA has approved only two hair loss products in the USA. Those are Rogaine, with the DHT prohibitor Minoxidil, and Propecia, with the DHT prohibitor Finasteride.

One should also take into account that the FDA is a political machine and is often visited by lobbyists and corporate manipulators.

FACT: There are 100% natural, botanical complexes which are equally effective in reducing hair loss. FACT: You may have to do your own research to discover the complex that is best for you, or you can trust the advice of a hair stylist who knows the long-term effects that laboratory drugs have on the scalp and blood stream.


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squeegee said:
FACT: There are 100% natural, botanical complexes which are equally effective in reducing hair loss. FACT: You may have to do your own research to discover the complex that is best for you, or you can trust the advice of a hair stylist who knows the long-term effects that laboratory drugs have on the scalp and blood stream.
:whistle: :jackit: :roll:


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bubka said:
squeegee said:
FACT: There are 100% natural, botanical complexes which are equally effective in reducing hair loss. FACT: You may have to do your own research to discover the complex that is best for you, or you can trust the advice of a hair stylist who knows the long-term effects that laboratory drugs have on the scalp and blood stream.
:whistle: :jackit: :roll:
Bubka, you're starting to act just like this jerk Davidoff. Ignoring facts and just posting some useless, provocating smilies everywhere.

Anyway, I still think that this Skeptical Mel-guy isn't for real.


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Oh trust me Skeptikal is NOT real, he has done this same crap on other forums and usually puts a link to his Ebay site but i think it was removed form here.


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amsch said:
Bubka, you're starting to act just like this jerk Davidoff. Ignoring facts and just posting some useless, provocating smilies everywhere.

Anyway, I still think that this Skeptical Mel-guy isn't for real.
The original poster is a scammer.

I quoted the other person because they are just randomly plagiarizing websites and baking bogus claims.

Here is the website that was plagiarized: ... ce-hunter/

I quoted the bottom because it was the most asinine thing I have heard here in a while for a number of reasons.

squeegee said:
FACT: You may have to do your own research to discover the complex that is best for you, or you can trust the advice of a hair stylist who knows the long-term effects that laboratory drugs have on the scalp and blood stream.