KFC Advert Mocking Baldness


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You may think I am being over-sensitive but this advert really pisses me off. It is being shown here in England at the moment but the picture looks like it is American, so you may be familiar with it.

A son comes into the lounge with a mad haistyle and his father sings something at him to mock him (for some 'humerous' reason the whole of the dialogue in the advert is sung). Anyway, it ends with the son singing 'Don't worry Mum, it must be terrible being married to a slaphead' (on second thoughts, the ad must be English - I don't think you use this term over the Atlantic?). The father then ruefully strokes his head.

So there you have it - those that are bald are funny and are there to be mocked. When I was 20 I didn't expect to have any hair at this age (27) and this advert may well have massively increased my depression at my situation. As it is I am not doing TOO badly. I would imagine that it is having a similar effect on young men now who are worrying about hair loss.

Oddly, I can't imagine KFC putting out an advert mocking women with fat arses or something - one advert for soccer was panned because it mocked fat women and was thus 'sexist'. BUT at least fat women are more likely to be able to do something about their predicament!!


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I agree i was a bit took back when i first saw it.If the boot was on the other foot would a daughter sing to the father it must be awfull married to somebody with flat tits I DONT THINK SO !!!


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Mickey said:
I agree i was a bit took back when i first saw it.If the boot was on the other foot would a daughter sing to the father it must be awfull married to somebody with flat tits I DONT THINK SO !!!

Ha ha, perhaps it may be an idea to get revenge though!

Anyway, you in Britain or the US?


Havent seen the ad. But ive always hated KFC, hate them even more now. Chicken f*****g kentucky mofos!


those fuckers grow their food in tubes. I have ceased to eat there since i saw there test tube treats being created on tv in tubes

Shave my poodle

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bartman654 said:
those fuckers grow their food in tubes. I have ceased to eat there since i saw there test tube treats being created on tv in tubes

I heard they grow their chickens in tubes :x SICK BASTADS!


they can grow chickens in a tube but cant grow hair on our heads. WTF MAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gardener

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The KFC 'chicken grown in tubes' story is an urban myth. Look it up on snopes.com.

This is not to say that their chicken is free-range, hormone free sh*t, but it ain't GM. No GM is allowed on livestock in the US.


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bartman654 said:
those fuckers grow their food in tubes. I have ceased to eat there since i saw there test tube treats being created on tv in tubes
IM not sure about the tubes. I do know that the chickens are kept i disugsting conditions and are pumped with hormones and other chemicals to incrase meat content(not good). I refuse to eat KFC on a health basis. I suggest That we all write a letter to KFC commenting on our unhappyness with the commercial. In addition we ask that they make a donation to male pattern baldness research.