KiLLuMiNaTi's story


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hi im a 22 year old and i started loosing the front part of my hair around two years ago i guess its no that bad ... for the last 5 months ive been using minoxidil it gave me a little results anyway 1 week ago i got some propecia from my doctor and i got no side effects so ill use it for ever and what i was thinking i was gonna do is grow my hair really long and have bangs in the front like rambo so no one can see my forehead you get me.. but im not sure does propecia grow the hair in the front to cause i wont be using minoxidil when my hairs long screw that ill only use propecia do you guys reckon it will be enouth?? also im the type of guy whatever product i use for hair loss i get exellent results so im confident about propecia but just not sure ....


Senior Member
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You realise that any hair you have grown on minoxidil will fall out if minoxidil is discontinued? And no the popecia will not keep that hair ... i thought that originally, but its not the case...5 months is not that long on minoxidil though...just wanted to make you aware.