Ksl Hair Clinic In Manchester, U.k.


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Does anyone here have any experiences with this clinic in the U.K or would anybody be willing to have a quick at then online and give me your thoughts? I would really appreciate it. I know the U.K is not thought of very highly around here but I'm just so hesitant to go abroad.

Thanks, James.


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Avoid KSL like the plague. Only have to go online do see the amount of poor results/complaints they have against them. For FUE, I'd only consider Dr Reddy or Dr Ball (does FUT to). Maybe Farjo for FUT.


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Hi man, I'll reply to you on here for both topics if that's okay? Thanks for the information. I will get to looking up all those names you have sent me over the weekend. What are your thoughts on Dr De Reys in Belgium? I've heard he is very good and at a fair price. Are there any sugeons that you know of in the U.K that you would consider? I won't bother with KSL then, thank you.


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In the UK, I'd only consider Dr Reddy or Dr Ball for FUE but they won't be cheap. Dr De Reys is a decent option if cost is a consideration and you will be in much better hands with him than going to a KSL or alike. Believe he is pretty conservative in his approach so a lot may depend on how bad your hair loss is.


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I'll show you some pictures later, might help you to see what I'm dealing with. I would take some now but I'm at work and have concealer in. Do you know the names of the clinics which the two you have recommended work? I'll look them up later is all. How do you know so much about all this if you don't mind me asking? I'm so torn between what to do. It can be such a lot of money and if I go to the wrong guy I could end up worse of than I am now. Have you had one done?


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Dr Reddy - The Private Clinic (only does FUE)
Dr Ball - The Maitland Clinic (Does both FUE and FUT)

1) Take your time and do plenty of research. Do consultations with a number of clinics/surgeons and ideally try and do a couple in person so your loss and donor area can be evaluated properly. Look at cases which are similar to yours.
2) I know in the real world it's not always possible, but to a certain extent, try not to let price have too much of an influence on your decision. If you have to save up to see the surgeon you want to go to then do that rather than going to someone you are not totally sold on but may be cheap.
3) Don't let travel become a factor either....there are great options in North America.
4) Keep expectations realistic, especially if you have advanced balding and understand there's only so much you can do with a hair transplant.

I see you stopped propecia after a year. If you still have a lot of hair and won't be taking propecia going forwards it's not an ideal situation if you go ahead with a hair transplant. You can obviously still go ahead with one but you'll need to be conservative (i.e wouldn't be going around lowering the hairline, using grafts for temple points, throwing too many in the vertex/crown area etc) with one eye on keeping enough grafts in the bank for future loss but a good surgeon will have a game plan for future loss.

If you are in your 20s and still have a lot of native hair and won't be using propecia, I'd probably consider holding off a hair transplant to be honest. If on the other hand you've lost a lot and a clear pattern has developed, then wouldn't be so much of an issue.


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Avoid KSL like the plague. Only have to go online do see the amount of poor results/complaints they have against them. For FUE, I'd only consider Dr Reddy or Dr Ball (does FUT to). Maybe Farjo for FUT.
I agree with dr ball but doctor farjo ?? His results are so bad. He pits multihair grafts at the front of the hairline any hair transplant doctor that does is inexpreinced !