L-Arginine & L-Lysine rotation


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I've been taking L-Arginine for few months now, one 1000mg capsule each night.

Now I've stopped and I'm taking L-Lysine 2x daily.

I have heard/read that this is a good thing to do, cycle between the two amino acids which are shown to be helpful for sex drive/skin health.

I don't have any side effects from my Propecia regimine.. that I've noticed (other than itchy scalp!)... I *think* I'm going to be a good 'responder'. I am into my 5th month and I'm 27, diffuse thinner crown/vertex, caught it 'early'... things are not so bad... but I hope things improve! (as we all do).

I figure the L-Arginine can just help my sex drive 'potency' overall. I don't take it simply because I am on Propecia... the L-Arginine has DEFINATELY improved orgasm ejaculate quantity and quality.. sex drive is great already but this stuff *must* be helping ! :p

And as far as L-Lysine goes.. I'll have to try it out for myself as I just bought it! But anything that is said to improve your immune system & skin health has to be good.. I'm all for it myself! ;)

I was wondering if anybody has tried L-Lysine before, as I've only done the Arginine and I've just started with the other... I figure only one at a time is the way to go, as from what I read (can't confirm) it's better to give them a break and cycle one to the other. ;P

Any comments?


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They are Amino acids.

Great for you... not found naturally and must be either taken from diet and/or supplementation.


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No worries...

There are many others on here with a plethora of knowledge at their disposal...

Or maybe it's just me, too lazy to search and find out for myself...

Nah, I believe it to be simply due to the idea that I enjoy reading other peoples' personal experiences with a substance, rather than to get a 'dictionary' definition about a substance ...

There is NO substitute for experience I say!



Amino acids are either essential, that is you must get 'em from your diet

or non-essential, that is your body will synthesize them.

I personally would take L-Arginnie and L-Lysine at the same time as they have a synergystic effect and when combined result in a greater effect then their sum inputs.

Cycle 6 weeks on 2 weeks off should be fine.

When taken on an empty stomach before bed (30 minutes before should be fine) or before exercise (again 30 mins) they will act as a secretouge (sorry I am guessing the spelling here!!!) which means they wil stimulate your pituatry gland into secreting human-growth-hormone which is generally very good for just about everything.


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Sounds good tynan, thanks for the info.. I will try that instead.


There are many more effective Amino-Acid combinations than these two, you need to do a little research on Amino-Acid stacking.

One word of warning, when taking L-Arginine also take an anti-oxidant (I use meletonin, but the right amounts of A,C or E would do the job)

The reason for this is L-Arginine is a pre-cursor to nitric-oxide which is a pro-oxidant.

It won't kill you if you don't take an anti-oxident with the L-Arginine, but if you are taking L-Arginine for general good health you might as well go all the way.


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I take a multivitamin daily... that should cover it.

What other aminos do you suggest adding to the stack ?


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Just a few random comments on this issue:

1) Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw clearly feel that taking lysine along with arginine does NOT enhance the release of growth hormone, despite that one (questionable?) study which claimed to find that. I tend to trust Pearson & Shaw, because they know their sh*t about GH and its releasers. For GH release, stick to arginine and/or ornithine alone (no lysine), and use them along with substances which probably DO enhance the effect (choline, pantothenic acid).

2) I don't believe for a second that silly patent which claims a hairgrowth-enhancing effect of oral lysine. I know of no reason whatsoever to use it at all. My understanding is that even the old claim that lysine helps fight herpes has been challenged, although I don't know any of the details.

3) If you're going to experiment with using arginine as a GH releaser, I recommend taking it first thing in the morning after awakening, not at bedtime.
