L-threonate, panax ginseng,...


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Guys i see alot of experimentation here tried here are not founded on science, r on some shady chinese or indian paper.

there is now tons of research showing the role of dkk, the role of wnt, and other factors in hair loss. There are respected journal papers showing again and again how dkk1 is leading to hair loss, and it is downstream of dht. In words, you can skip messing with dht and inhibit instead dkk if such trwatment is available. No current dkk inhibtor is available (except experimental from kane e.g.) but how about trying natural route that is supposed to work to some extent.

anyone tried panax ginseng? L-threonate? Some papers suggest they could work...

i personally will be buying panax ginseng, and maybe i will use it topically not sure... But at least orally.

at this stage, i stabilized my hair loss completely, just need to thicken existing hairs or maybe grow new...

check the research papers sub forum...

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Excuse my english this website doesn t work at all on ipad...gets stuck,,can't edit...


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I'd really like to discuss the ginseng paper. In terms of diet, this seems to be the biggest find in recent years. The other big diet-related findings were on tea isoflavones and required very high amounts of those. I will get my hands on the full paper to find out the dosage that was given per body mass (hoping that it is actually provided).