lack of dht causing the sides? or the chemical in finasteride?


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nobody can actually answere this question yet, is it the lack of dht in the human body that causes depression, low libido etc.. or is it the chemical that is in proscar, finasteride, dutasteride that causes the negative sides? from what ive read dht has no positive qualities in the body, so if we could find another way to eliminate dht we may not have sides????


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Libido CAN be dependent on finasteride. Don't know about depression. Maybe it's just because the hormonal balance is shaken.


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cruiser said:
from what ive read dht has no positive qualities in the body, so if we could find another way to eliminate dht we may not have sides????

You're just reading the wrong articles. DHT is neccasary in the body.
Do a google search for "DHT - Is It All Bad?" It should give you several hits to a good article.


The shedder

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0 posted a reply on the effect of finasteride on some people. He said something along the lines of some user's body is more dependent on dht and taking finasteride will lead to stronger side effects, you know the alleged 2% of users. Sorry it sounds so bland but he said something along those lines and the lack of dht is clouding my memory :hairy:


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Cruiser, I've often asked myself the same question. I personally do not have a clear answer to this one, especially when you consider users like spidy and slartibartfast, both of whom had sides on finasteride and did not have sides on dutasteride, which inhibits even more DHT. I've heard of quite a few cases like this, and it makes me think that perhaps finasteride itself could be causing the sides in some cases.
However, it goes without saying that lack of DHT is likely the cause of most sides experienced by finasteride users.


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ya i hear ya, its a dam hard question to answere, ive read the same thing about users with no sides on dutasteride that had them on finasteride. i think im going to try this new natural dht blocker and see what happens, and pray i dont have the horrible sides i had on finasteride. i spoke to a nutrionist that thinks its the chemical, NOT the lack of dht causing sides but its hard to find anyone who knows much about this, im going to do a search on dht and see if i can find a connection between it and libido/moods.


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well, i dont know much, but there are ppl in HLH that says they had an INCREASE in libido and and INCREASE in strenght (workout) with dutasteride.. if they say that, the only logic reason is because of the increase in testosterone that happens.. (a doctor once told me testosterone is used to treat impotence).. if so, why ppl with finasteride never (at least i've never seen) had side effects like this (and had the opposite)??? then i think, chem finasteride can be responsible?

by the way, i didnt have any side effects with finasteride until today..


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if you made it 6 months with no sides you should be ok always. i guess i was just ultra sensitive F%&&^%$$$&KKKKKKKK this sucks


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shosho said:
well, i dont know much, but there are ppl in HLH that says they had an INCREASE in libido and and INCREASE in strenght (workout) with dutasteride..

Myself and several other had an increase in libido when we fist started on finasteride. I've also read posts where poepl have an increase in strength when working out too. This argument goes both ways and doesn't prove anything. Has anyone actually tried the google search I suggested and read the article "DHT...Is it all bad". ?



cruiser said:
to see if anyone knows, why else jackhole? :roll:

what is a 'jackhole' ? I don't think we have them in the UK, all we have is standard holes, you know through things.