Large panel to find difference in male pattern baldness vs non male pattern baldness


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Hi everyone, ill skip the boring intro about my personal experience. What i will say is that after 8 years of waiting for something better then finasteride, its become evident that the research is being conducted wrong.
The reason for this i believe is crystal clear to most in that - Everyone is stabbing in the dark.

There is no way that by experimenting with different compounds that we will happen to come up with something that somehow stops hairloss and promotes hair growth I just dont think its possible to work that way which is clear
from the amount of time and money that has gone into trying to find a solution and expecting luck and random findings to occur. What i think we should do is simplify the whole process and look much more at a large collective of people who have male pattern baldness VS those who dont, and we need to look at every single detail in ones blood and serum including hormones and compounds and see if there is any difference between the groups, in my opinion we just dont no this difference well enough and as everyone knows dht alone is not the problem.

What i am suggesting is that we all do a large blood panel and as detailed as possible looking at all the various markers and compare this to a group of people who do not have male pattern baldness, Im convinced something
will stand out which separates the two, whether that be a larger amount, smaller amount or just different ratios of certain compounds/ hormones that the few theorys which are out there already. Imagine if it was some just a difference that had gone unnoticed due to lack of observation and there is already a chemical that inhibits or stimulates it out there, it could really be that easy if we haven't looked enough, even if its not a cure but a side effect free inhibitor. I think its worth a shot guys.

Of course what I am proposing would be perfect to do as a sanctioned test all under one approved laboratory and although the cost would be really low compared to whats already being thrown about in this field i dont think we personally could get the funds for this but obviously there would be a huge return for a company that did if something was found. If we couldnt do it our self then maybe start some sort of poll or write something up to send to a researching company

I know most people will probably bring up a load of hate on this but forward thinking is the only way we will realistically solve the problem, so one must try.

So what do you all say?


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Badbald I like the way you think it's scientific and evidence-based method to solve problems but unfortunately it's not enough because we need to deal with molecular part of the body which needs people who are specialized.By the way I am not convinced that the main reason behind baldness is hormones and genetic stuff,though I am not having prove for it,I don't believe that there is no cure at all, I guess with a giant feeling that they already found cure but something wrong is going on behind the curtain regarding financial selfishness,I hope we get this cure before it's over.

Armando Jose

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More easy is learn about physical types hair, a recent study
[h=1]Characteristics of nonbalding scalp zones of androgenetic alopecia in East Asians[/h]Hair density and hair thickness of known nonbalding scalp regions showed some differences depending on the severity and the BASP subtypes in East Asian people with male pattern baldness



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I guess with a giant feeling that they already found cure but something wrong is going on behind the curtain regarding financial selfishness,I hope we get this cure before it's over.

There is no way this can be true.
There are millions, perhaps hundreds of millions in the world who would buy it, so even if the new cure wqould cost as little as...let's say 500 bucks, the inventor of it would get rich.
So why would they have Telogen Effluvium cure and hiding it, when they could get ridiculously rich overnight? Doesn't make sense to me.


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There is no way this can be true.
There are millions, perhaps hundreds of millions in the world who would buy it, so even if the new cure wqould cost as little as...let's say 500 bucks, the inventor of it would get rich.
So why would they have Telogen Effluvium cure and hiding it, when they could get ridiculously rich overnight? Doesn't make sense to me.

People love a good conspiracy theory.


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How about a large panel to find a cure instead?


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Science already knows difference between balding man vs. non-balding man. Balding people have more AR inside scalp hair follicles, and usually higher levels of hormone DHT (especially interfollicular and/or scalp DHT).

This two factors are of the greatest importance. Other, like insulin resistance factor, or some kind of growth inhibitors/prohibitors inside body also play certain role.

What science doesn't know is:
- What genes regulate sensitivity of AR
- Is there any way we can reduce sensitivity or completely eliminate it and 5ard production inside hair follicles.

Armando Jose

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Balding people have more AR inside scalp hair follicles, and usually higher levels of hormone DHT (especially interfollicular and/or scalp DHT).

This is real when people have developed Androgenetic Alopecia, but is it also years before? in the teen years when hairloss is not present?
I dunno, but is a good question.....


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Androgen Receptor sensitivity is a variable is it not? Hard to hit a constantly moving target. What makes the target move?