laser brush


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I think it is a quack job, though I was told by my laser hair removal tech that weaker lasers can cause more hair.

anyway, check this out: you can make your own for $50:

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Initially, the notion of firing lasers at your scalp might seem like something out of StarTrek, not a real-world hair loss treatment. However, studies are showing the biocell stimulation via laser light in a particular range can actually encourage the follicular cells to grow new hair. I wouldnt have believed it, unless I'd experienced it for myself!

'Hair Loss Clinics' have been using 'Laser Hoods':

to treat hair loss for years, swearing up and down that it had a positive effect on regrowth. Im sure most people wrote them off as quack-jobs, until a company called HairMax developed a personal version and started marketing it for $700. I didnt hear about it until this DateLineNBC episode ran a segment called 'The Follicle Five', that documented 5 guys trying to save their hair via various methods:

Oddly enough, the guy using the Laser Comb had some of the best results! After seeing that, I set off on some research and found that several people were actually building their own 'Laser Brushes' and reported similar results. After reading through a bunch of threads, I came to the conclusion I could build a LLLT unit myself and I did, for $50. With 6 650nm 5mw Laser Diodes mounted in a nice boar's bristle brush, Ive been using it for the recommend 10minutes 2x per week and honestly, my hair has never looked better.

Keep in mind that I also started using Finasteride around the same time, but Finasteride isnt supposed to kick in for a couple months, and I noticed an improvement within 4 weeks using the laser brush.


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See Jayman even chemistry student agrees that the laser guy got some of the best results. Chemistry I am a little confused, were you not on dutasteride and finasteride before? So what do you mean you just started finasteride? In 2002 the lasercomb was approved by the FDA for safty (hair-max) and in Jan 2007 in was approved for hair loss. Go to the thread in general treatments called hair comb on e bay ' or something like that for the source.

Am I wrong here. were you quoting somebody else when you said this. If so ignore my reply.


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person said:
See Jayman even chemistry student agrees that the laser guy got some of the best results. Chemistry I am a little confused, were you not on dutasteride and finasteride before? So what do you mean you just started finasteride? In 2002 the lasercomb was approved by the FDA for safty (hair-max) and in Jan 2007 in was approved for hair loss. Go to the thread in general treatments called hair comb on e bay ' or something like that for the source.

Am I wrong here. were you quoting somebody else when you said this. If so ignore my reply.

I'm not agreeing. I'm just sharing an article. I just want to look into this more. If I could make this for $50 and get resume experience and only have to use it 10 minutes twice a week, I'm interested.


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why do u think this laser did give you results?

Increased blood flow?

Etc..what do u think?


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Whyatt said:
why do u think this laser did give you results?

Increased blood flow?

Etc..what do u think?

I have heard they increase blood flow, thus possibly thickening some existing hair. Not sure if they help much at all, especially if DHT levels are left untreated.

Its weaker than Rogaine, if it even works at all.


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Well, I want to know more science about hairlaser. The FDA clearence contains information from a double-blinded trail where success rate is
very high, a bit too high I guess?

Maybe the comb will buy you some time.


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laser combs are getting "some" good press from a bunch of guys. I think it might be my last resort in about 1 year from now - if my current regimen doesn't work out. Since going back down the regrowth road starting back 2004 - I thnk I've tried most everything out there (except eucapil and RU-whatever).

Hopefully in a year from now there might be some affordable laser helmets available. Better yet, hopefully in a year from now my current regimen will kick in - & I won't need it at all :)


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hair_tomorrow said:
Hopefully in a year from now there might be some affordable laser helmets available. Better yet, hopefully in a year from now my current regimen will kick in - & I won't need it at all :)

I'll hope it do, but it can't hurt with a tiny comb either ? 8) Maybe I can do laser instead of MSM..hmm..none fight male pattern baldness but they have some user reports of improving hair feeling.


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One article of Mens Health said that 93% of men experienced an increase of 10% more hair in areas measured.

I can't get over the crazy idea in my head of what it looks like so I will pass on it.


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I've got a laser comb at home. I started using it months ago, but decided to just see where I ended up in 12 months of just 2x/week dutasteride & Nizoral use. If I'm not liking what I see by December, I'm going to start LLLT.


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Whyatt said:
why do u think this laser did give you results?

Increased blood flow?

Etc..what do u think?

good grief. Did I ever say I used one?

we don't know why it works or if it works. I just know a hair removal laser can actually increase body hair, especially on weaker settings. I don't have the time to go make one, but later on I think I'll make my own for $50 and give it a try. 2x per week sounds easy.

Also, as for that 10 minute figure, I think you need to adjust it to the surface area covered. So if just your hairline, then less time.