Hey everyone, brand new to this site, but am having a lot of trouble simply finding answers, so I’m reeeeeally hoping someone here has had a similar experience and can shine some light on things...
Now to fill you in on the situation. Back in March, I noticed thinning on the top of my head (mainly left side) and like most makes, I went to the drugstore and grabbed some Rogaine. Long story short, couldn’t handle either the 5% or 2%, the side effects were stacking up. So I stopped after 4 weeks. I THINK that was just long enough to trigger I guess tefflum effluvium, cause I started shedding like a dog and is still continuing today. A Month later (May of this year) I bought a laser helmet. For the first 2 months, nothing changed, THEN THE SHEDDING!!! That lasted a week or so, then stopped. At 4.5 months of LLLT I was losing crazy amounts of hair in the front (heavy on the left side) and losing A LOT of volume. I’m now at 5 months and there’s quite a bit gone from the front, although I THINK there are new small hairs... that’s where my knowledge stops, as all research has led to people either trying only rogaine, or Rogaine and finasteride, never stopping Rogaine and starting something else like a Laser Helmet.
I didn’t have severe hair loss when I started this crazy journey, just wanted to perserve my hair as it’s very important to me.
So my question is, has anyone used Rogaine for 4 weeks, stopped, waited a month, then tried a laser cap? How’d it go? Did you have mass shedding like me? How did things turn out? Did your hair grow back?
Thanks everyone
Now to fill you in on the situation. Back in March, I noticed thinning on the top of my head (mainly left side) and like most makes, I went to the drugstore and grabbed some Rogaine. Long story short, couldn’t handle either the 5% or 2%, the side effects were stacking up. So I stopped after 4 weeks. I THINK that was just long enough to trigger I guess tefflum effluvium, cause I started shedding like a dog and is still continuing today. A Month later (May of this year) I bought a laser helmet. For the first 2 months, nothing changed, THEN THE SHEDDING!!! That lasted a week or so, then stopped. At 4.5 months of LLLT I was losing crazy amounts of hair in the front (heavy on the left side) and losing A LOT of volume. I’m now at 5 months and there’s quite a bit gone from the front, although I THINK there are new small hairs... that’s where my knowledge stops, as all research has led to people either trying only rogaine, or Rogaine and finasteride, never stopping Rogaine and starting something else like a Laser Helmet.
I didn’t have severe hair loss when I started this crazy journey, just wanted to perserve my hair as it’s very important to me.
So my question is, has anyone used Rogaine for 4 weeks, stopped, waited a month, then tried a laser cap? How’d it go? Did you have mass shedding like me? How did things turn out? Did your hair grow back?
Thanks everyone