laser comb forum


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the hair max forum seems less like a place for discussion and more of a place for advertising. i know thats part of the agenda of these forums, but they make it soooo obvious. I wasn't overly skeptical before about the laser comb but their practises are making me double think.


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jimmystanley said:
the hair max forum seems less like a place for discussion and more of a place for advertising. i know thats part of the agenda of these forums, but they make it soooo obvious. I wasn't overly skeptical before about the laser comb but their practises are making me double think.

Out of all the things questioning the Lasercomb, what you just said it was really sticks out for me. My wife got me the Lasercomb about 2 1/2 years ago. I really don't know if it's helped or not (I'm currently in Month 10 of the Big 3).

Back to your point... What are they so scared about on that forum? I went to explain my questions once and pretty much every answer was from the adminstrator saying:

The Lasercomb works and it's probably something else causing you problems. They always give you the company line, and God forbid you say anything negative. I'll be honest, that forum is the only reason I still think the Lasercomb could possibly be worthless in the hair loss fight.


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Ok guys, you've got your rants to share and that's fair. I guess what I'm curious about is what are you expecting from the LC discussion forum? What are some of the things that you would like to see? As a customer of theirs I think that the discussion forum there is to help answer questions or concerns about their product which is what they do. It isn't like an open forum discussion board like this board or other boards are. MHO.
