Laser Comb Shed


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I think im having a shed since ive started using my laser comb,Has this happened to anyone else??


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You're supposed to shed a bit more hair after 3 to 5 months

of using the laser, then it really starts to grow.


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lol ?


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Man i know this is hard to beleive especially for the people who think the laser comb is bullshit . But ive had a pretty big shed.. I started using it about one month ago and my sheds still going . Anyone else?


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Ive been searching the net and havent come accross any posts about shedding..So ive contacted hairmax and asked them today even though my laser isnt a hairmax , I figure there all the same anyway , I hope they answer back soon.


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this is what they wrote back..Good morning David,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Shedding is a natural phase of healthy hair.
All Hairmax Lasecomb users will experience a slight increase of hair shedding
during the first few weeks of treatment. Any increased shedding means that the
new hair is pushing the old hairs out.
This is actually a positive sign that the Hairmax Lasercomb is working for you
and will eventually stop once the hair has reached new growth.

Please keep using your Hairmax on a regular basis, 3 times a week, for
10-15minutes for the HM Premium OR 20-25 mins for the HMSE device.
Also please pay attention that when using the Hairmax Lasercomb your hair should
not be oily in order for you to get great results. We also recommend the use of
a sulfate free shampoo which is gentler on the scalp, and help make scalp
conditions more conducive to the use of the Hairmax Lasercomb.

I hope to have answered your question and wish you great results with your
Hairmax Lasercomb.

Kind regards,

Stephanie Glenat-Abril
Hotline Europe: 00800 750 750 75
HairMax LaserComb Europe
Tel +31 548 659 041
Fax +31 548 659 010


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Are you brushing your hair with the laser comb in a funky way? The increase in shedding could simply be a result of you brushing more often or differently. Now, don't freak out, this hair was probably falling out anyway during the day; you just now see it all at once cause your brushing.


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No , Im holding it in place for ten seconds then moving to the next position ..Brushing wont work because the laser isnt in contact with the follicle for long enouth.Im not freeking out im just surprised that its actually working .. Shed = Growth later