I love your Avatar! That's amazing! If you've been to my site you know I'm a huge fan of animated graphics! I like "House", too, and I'm sorry... but I was glad the cold hearted b**ch was "offed" by the bus, no matter how nice they tried to make her in the last few episodes!
I don't know what to say about Dr. Feller, and I don't think he would change his position on it no matter what. He may be a nice guy, but I think his professional ego has caused him to paint himself into a corner. This is CLEARLY not a cycle, unless you want to tell me it's a 21 year cycle because my hair hasn't appeared this thick and shiny since I was 14.
I don't know what type of person you are, but I LOVE to pick apart arguments rationally and expose arrogant, fraudulent, irrational, and emotional statements. I'm actually going to update my paranormal site soon to include a "blog" section because I literally scream at the TV when people on paranormal documentaries and shows make asinine statements -either pro or con against the paranormal- and I'm going to rip them apart! I get great rankings for that site, so by god... people are going to see it!
The reason I'm bringing that up is because Dr. Feller sets off all of my alarms. When you read his opening statement here:
http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/1466060861/m/8241085633, not only is it filled to the brim with arrogance and haughtiness -and a bit of childishness- his arguments are EXTREMELY FLAWED. For example, this statement:
Why is it that grocery store check out clerks whose hands are exposed to laser light all day do not complain of excess hair growth on the hands or forearms? Why is it that people who work in laser printer factories or laboratories that use lasers all day have not reported unwanted hair growth? The obvious answer is that there is no such phenomenon.
...is absolutely ridiculous. Just for starters, 1) no one said that lasers grow hair where hair doesn't exist, 2) forearm hairs aren't genetically encoded to grow longer than an inch or so anyway, 3) they don't go dormant, and 4) they certainly aren't going to be re-invigorated when they are healthy in the first place. Also, Jacob started to debate him, and he accused JACOB of having motives with the LLLT industry!
[On a side note, by the way, I have recently been informed that actually it HAS been documented by NASA that people exposed to laser light DO get stronger, healthier body in the areas that get the exposure, so I was a little off the mark, but my argument still stands! lol...]
You get anyone that's built a laser helmet –or been to a laser clinic that’s using a machine with at least 100 diodes- and see what they say to his argument after they've used it from 3-6 months, and they will be like "WTF are you talking about?!", and they, like my girlfriend, will be shocked that *anyone*, much less someone that goes by the name "doctor", could still make freely statements like that.
On a side note... at 35 years old, it STILL surprises me that someone with a "Dr." in front of their names can be so petty in their arguments. It's such a let down when you've grown up thinking that obviously since someone is a doctor that they should know more than you and have an air of true professionalism about them, and then when you find out that they are actually subject to the same character flaws that most humans are, and are sometimes even worse (because a brick layer doesn't usually think overly highly of himself).
Anyway, Dr. Feller -for whatever reason- is NEVER going to let himself see that LLLT is effective. Therefore, for people like me that know for a fact that he's talking out of his *** and 100% wrong, he is absolutely irrelevant and inconsequential, and I think he's a dinosaur that will eventually go extinct. He's is the exact equivalent of the people that told Columbus that the world was flat. This will become more and more apparent especially since I've "opened the door" for many more people by reverse engineering the clinical laser devices and finding out we can make them and own them for a fraction of the cost of one year's treatment at the clinics (and the devices will last something like 16 -20 years with 1/2 hour a day, three times a week treatments). In fact, I've recently found out that most of them use the EXACT SAME DIODES that I use.
Like I said... he may be a great guy! He could donate half of his salary to crippled children for all I know, but he's failing to educate himself on this... for whatever reason you want to think. Reputation? Ego? Personal grudge? Something deeper? Whatever... I don't care. Ok, well that explains my feelings on Dr. Feller, and I'm free to safely never mention him again! Meaning, I'm through talking about him for good in the forums...
It's really funny hearing Dr. Maricle and a few other talk about what I'm doing. They want to comment
so bad, especially about how HairMax hurt the market, but they are in a position that they could really rock the industry and make a lot of people angry at them if the endorse what I'm saying! lol... Also, they can't say things like "Yep, you can make this $20,000 machine for $200" to anyone in public, but they want to so bad!
Let's just say this though, they've shown the endorsement by lowering the cost of the diodes for us, and that's a big deal and a big statement.
Hopefully that “proof†stuff I was talking about will be up on the site before too much time passes. The best proof though is, jeez… go out and try it. What, $400 for a full coverage device or something?? The one I’ve been using was even cheaper. A full coverage device for me will be like $600 since I have a big head and I want to experiment with covering a greater area, but you get the point… that’s the price of a LASER COMB, and it’s for something that works! Yes, it’ll take a minimum of 3 months for you to notice anything, and maybe as long as 6 (with DEDICATED 3 times a week usage, even when you feel that it isn’t doing anything), but when it does start working, you too will think “What the hell is wrong with Dr. Feller, and how can someone get away with saying statements that are so inaccurate?â€
Ok, seriously though… I’m spending too much time on this! Lol… I hope I’m reaching some people, but it’s time for me to retire in peace!