Lavender, Cedarwood, Rosemary/sebutape update.....

michael barry

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Egad, Its been over 20 days. Here goes:

I got nosy about a month and a half ago to test some of the classic essential oils to see if they could inhibit sebum production on my forehead. I have some sebutape strops from Cu-derm left over.

I mixed about 2 mls of each with roughly 60 mls of purified water. No alcohol.

I applied this stuff to my lower right forehead, above the right eyebrow for a roughly two weeks and then tested it. I washed (de-fatted is the correct term) the forehead and dried it off and put four sebutape strips on the forehead: two above each eybrow and two up high below the hairline. Where the little mix was applied, after 35 minutes the sebum spots on the tape would have correlated with a 3 (out of 5). Above the other eye looked more oily, but not a 5 (perhaps it spreads under the skin a bit, who knows?). Underneath the hairline, the readings would have been solid 5's and were quite oily at 35 minutes.

I then wanted to see if I could make the upper forehead have less sebum. I started putting the little oil mix under the left (opposite) hairline. Ive been doing it for 3 weeks or so. I'd have to say yes. The result at 35 minutes compared to the card would be judged roughly a 3. However the rest of the forehead's results would be about 4's in my opinion. Perhaps the stuff spreads under the skin somehow or whatnot, but thats my assessment looking at the card.

Im going to keep on doing this for a while (a couple of more weeks anyway) and see what Ive got then. So far I'd have to conclude either the lavender or cedarwood (probably both) seems to be inhibiting sebacous gland production up there somewhat. Whats good about this is that we know both of these oils were used in the Scottish Alopecia Areata study and hair was regrown using them, so they aren't "bad" for hair in any way.

Ive used sebutape to test topical green tea extract mixed with alcohol, and Ive also tested fluridil . I can wholeheartedly assert that this mixture is more effective than either of them, espeically over the green tea extract.


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michael barry said:
Egad, Its been over 20 days. Here goes:
Ive used sebutape to test topical green tea extract mixed with alcohol, and Ive also tested fluridil . I can wholeheartedly assert that this mixture is more effective than either of them, espeically over the green tea extract.

Did you ever use spearmint of peppermint.. I am starting an experiment with spearmint and it's definitely decreasing sebum and acne, yet i am not using the sebatube. I am thinking of trying peppermint on the other side to see which is better.


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Michael, you didn't scan and post the Sebutape, so we all could see them?


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Very interesting MB.

Still amazing that Lavender, Cedarwood, Rosemary can have an antiandrogenic effect.

Would ne nice if somehow you could get the sebuatpe strips down to 2 or something.

What proportions of each oil are you using in how much water?

I assume you have to shake it up before each use? I also thought essetnial oils didnt penetrate the skin very well either.

michael barry

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Blaze..........I shake up the sprayer every time I use it pretty well. I didn't use any alcohol back when I tried the peppermint oil either. Some essential oils supposedly are composed of small molecules and are known for their excellent penetration of the dermis. The room-temperature water should be of assistance to them.

I was using roughly 2 milliliters of each oil in a 60 milliliter bottle (about like an old bottle of minoxidil), so its a reasonably potent, but not too potent mixture.

I need to reload my camera on this computer (or have a computer-miracle of some kind--LOL), but I could do something if you'd like to see the sebutape. If you have a P.O. Box or a address where I could send a letter to, I could take some sebutape-strip on the four corners again, and leave em' on for x-amount of minutes and send them to you labelled in the mail. I know a guy who is good with computers, maybe he can get this camera to work again........This laptop is getting pretty long in the tooth (LOL). Email me here if you'd like me to put some strips on and send them to you.

A few years back I mixed peppermint oil and purified water and put it on one side of my chin for 3 months. It decreased the beard hairs there so much that I looked "lopsided". It was the most eye-opening little self test Ive done. Revivogen decreased wrist hair on my right wrist at three months several years ago, and nizoral increased forearm hair growth (I washed part of one forearm in nizoral for about three months while showering every day). Ive tried several little self-tests with my own body hair with various topicals I thought might have anti-androgenic potential (Im just nosy, always have been). However Waynako something worries me about peppermint and that is the fact that its in a few shampoos and has been for years. Mentha Piperta (its formal name) has been in Nioxin for example for a long time, yet Ive never seen a regrowth picture with any shampoo that has it. That is worrying because there should be some folks out there with notably positive results. Perhaps peppermint (and the chemically similar spearmint) do something suppressive to the hairgrowth cycle that is not utilizing a hormonal pathway chemically or something? I have an old post on this site somewhere detailing the hormonal pathways somewhat inhibited by peppermint. I believe they were 3-beta HSD and 17 beta-HSD, both of which are upstream of alpha-five-reductase. If you inhibit them locally, probably not much T is in the area for alpha-five reductase to convert. The reason I was excited about lavender and cedarwood was the Scottish Alopecia Areata study in which 44% of those who used them had success. If they helped regrow hair on that many people, we -know- these oils can't be suppressive of hair in some esoteric way, etc.

Hope you have luck with your regimine BTW....


When I applied oils (including Cedarwood and Rosemary) topically on my scalp for 6 months, I noticed no regrowth but my hair was never greasy, even after 3 days of not washing it, Now I've stopped the oils, hair gets greasy after just over a day and a half.

Also when I drank Peppermint tea for several months, I noticed a reduction in body hair and beard growth took longer.


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Do you fellas think that washing with a Lavender shampoo and conditioner might be worth adding into the mix then?

On the days I'm not washing my hair with Nizoral/Alpecin/alphosyl/T-Gel/........



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Interesting report goten(nice username BTW...loved Dragon Ball)

Did you notice a reduction in shedding and hairloss with those topical oils? Did you notice you hairloss stop?

Just the actual stopping of hairloss is considered very successful IMO.

What was your topical mix? As in what oils did you use, and what was the carrier you put the oils in?

Do you fellas think that washing with a Lavender shampoo and conditioner might be worth adding into the mix then?

On the days I'm not washing my hair with Nizoral/Alpecin/alphosyl/T-Gel/........

Couldnt hurt but that little amount of lavender in shampoo probably wont do that much. Plus just using it in rotation with the rest of your shampoo you probably would only use it 2-3 times per week which again I dont think would be of benefit.


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blaze said:
Couldnt hurt but that little amount of lavender in shampoo probably wont do that much. Plus just using it in rotation with the rest of your shampoo you probably would only use it 2-3 times per week which again I dont think would be of benefit.

That sounds about right to me - but what about adding a few drops of pure Lavender oil into the shampoo and/or conditioner to increase the % of lavender in the products?

There is a range in the UK call Dr. Organic and they say Lavender is good for calming and soothing the skin. I may try it and see if it helps with my scalp condition. I could then up the ante with a few drops of pure lavender oil to boost the existing shampoo. I can't think of any problems with that, after all I'd only be adding more of the stuff that the products already made of, am i right?


blaze said:
Interesting report goten(nice username BTW...loved Dragon Ball)

Did you notice a reduction in shedding and hairloss with those topical oils? Did you notice you hairloss stop?

Just the actual stopping of hairloss is considered very successful IMO.

What was your topical mix? As in what oils did you use, and what was the carrier you put the oils in?

Yes, I noticed a reduction in shedding but for overall hairloss, I am not sure but my hair certainly didn't get any worse.

I used:

- Jojoba
- Emu
- Amla
- Coconut
- Cedarwood
- Rosemary
- Tea Tree

I also used Aloe Vera on and off (I still use this now)


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I have used all these essential oils for about a year having no positive results, beides cider vinegar etc...

I remember how angry I was when Bryan told me that these are all useless, but he was completly right! just a waste of time nothing more than that..

just stick to finasteride, nizoral, minoxidil..

Btw I only add laser comb to my regime..

Yep I have results, I need no oil, no matter it is essential or not :)

Good luck fellas