Lavender Essential Oil Topical


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Inhibits the androgen receptor and 5ar1 (Yeah, I know we wish 5ar2, but good enough) and it stimulates the estrogen receptor and is a hair growth stimulant.

For those who don't know hormones, all of those mean it could be really good for hair.

It absorbs well, but goes systemic to a small amount :( , and it is very cheap once diluted, and it is soluble in ethanol.

I know some of you will faithfully slather on greasy topicals all day. Good for you. But I like to go cheap, clean, and easy. So here is my plan.

Buy generic 5% minoxidil, everclear, and lavender essential oil.
Dilute the 5% minoixidil with everclear, and add 2-5 drops of lavender essential oil. Start with 2 drops, and add more, but not enough to burn the skin. Mix.
Pray they don't react.
Add 5 drops of lavender essential oil to your favorite shampoo you use on your nizoral off days (I recommend piroctone olamine shampoo from Amazon (Bodyshop ginger) 2x per week too).
3 minutes or however long before your shower, add the topical to your hair, especially bald areas. Wash out. No mess. No hassle, no grease.

The mixture should be as non-greasy as 2% minoxidil, so you can use some at other times of day too if you don't mind that.

This could be very good. Definitely worth adding to your regimen. Experimental yes. Only have small animal and invitro studies and micheal berry testing it on himself. But super cheap, easy, smells good, and promissing.

A $10 bottle of lavender will last a lifetime. Only the minoxidil and everclear will cost anything, but will be less than $4 per month. Maybe put the everclear in a different glass jar so people don't think you are an alcoholic, or steal your everclear. I put my minoxidil in other containers too so people know less about me.


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There will rarely ever be studies on Lavender oil as it can't be patented, but would really be interesting to see how much DHT it could potentially block topically


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I just saw one study released. Or maybe two. It was by a Japanese company that now markets licorice extract. They tested like 100 different herbals for different propperties, including estrogenic, 5 alpha reductase inhibiting, and androgen receptor blocking, and anti-inflammatory. They decided to go with licorice inflata root extract. They purified it down to a few compounds and used it in epilatory and anti-rosacia and other stuff. A very preliminary study, but it ranked them. They now have patents and are selling products.

Lavender was listed as one of the more anti 5 alpha reductase (did not say type 1 or 2 but I suspect 1), strong androgen receptor blocker, and had estrogenic properties. Since it is fat soluble, it should penetrate the skin well. A study actually showed it was absorbed fast. I'll have to go dig that up. Micheal Berry found it made the hair on his big toe grow, indicating it has hair growth properties that excede the anti-androgenic properties. ... 230063.php
Accession number;04A0230063
Title;Activity of herbal extracts on the control of sebum secretion.
Author;UCHIUMI YOICHIRO(Maruzen Pharm. Co., Ltd., JPN) YAMAMOTO SUSUMU(Maruzen Pharm. Co., Ltd., JPN) MIZUTANI KENJI(Maruzen Pharm. Co., Ltd., JPN)
Journal Title;Fragr J

Journal Code:G0987B


Figure&Table&Reference;TBL.4, REF.13
Pub. Country;Japan
Abstract;Potential activity of herbal extracts on sebum secretion was studied. Among the herbal extracts tested, polyol-soluble licorice extract P-U (product name) derived from Glycyrrhiza inflata showed the most potent testosterone 5 .ALPHA.-reductase inhibition, androgen receptor binding inhibition and antimicrobial activities, which are closely related to sebum secretion. In addition to the findings on polyol-soluble licorice extract P-U, clove extract and peppermint extract showed testosterone 5 .ALPHA.-reductase inhibition, arnica extract and rose fruit extract showed androgen receptor binding inhibition, alpinia speciosa root extract and scutellaria root extract showed estrogen receptor agonists, and sophora root extract showed antimicrobial activity. (author abst.)
Done on humans. But either this was cut off or there is another study out there I'm missing, since this one does not list the lavender. I remember reading it though.

Since licorice is a powerful epilator, it might hurt head hair. They found it body hair stays reduced even after treatment is discontinued. Maybe it is all anti-androgenic and is a cure for head hair, or maybe it would hurt head hair. I'd hate to be the ginea pig. I have a big container of the stuff in my closet right now but am not using it until I know. For now, I'll stick with lavender.

I am not recommending that anyone substitute topical lavender for oral finasteride. But if you thinking of switching from fiinasteride to dutasteride, I suggest you stay with finasteride and just add topical lavender essential oil.


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27 ... 127412.php
Aromatase activator
USPTO Application #: 20060127412
Title: Aromatase activator

Abstract: Drugs and cosmetics which are highly safe, and which are effective in preventing, improving, or treating various pathological conditions caused by estrogen depletion are provided. Provided are aromatase activators containing at least one member selected from plants such as Labiatae sps. including Isodon, Scutellaria (huangcen), Schizonepeta (jingjie), sage, lavender, Lamium album, and thyme, an extract thereof; yeast extract; silk protein extract; milk protein; trehalose; natto extract; royal jelly; oryza oil; hydrolyzated wheat extract; shea butter; and rice fermentation extract.
Someone took out an patent for the use of any of these in topicals or internals to activate estrogen receptors.
FYI, estrogen is very good for head hair. Just bad for your nipples and penis. If topical lavender in small amounts can give a local effect, or semi-local effect, that would be very good for us.


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Thanks to you, CCS, I picked up a bottle of lavender oil at GNC (it was my discount week anyway, when I stock up). I'll add it to my old bottle of Doo Gro scalp massage oil.

I love the smell of lavender, and it is also a known relaxant and aphrodesiac. The oil is mega potent smelling, so I'll need to dilute it into the Doo Gro to use it. Nothing to lose, really. Worst case scenario is my head will smell like lavender. :)


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Don't want to freak anyone out or turn anyone off lavender (I use it along w/ the Scottish Study essential oils) but just an FYI that about a year ago the news was big with lavender being responsible for causing breast enlargement in pre-pubescent males.

Don't think any of us have anything to worry about though.


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I'm really going to have to work on mixing the oils properly. It turns out lavender aroma isn't so soothing in concentrated form.

Well, it did leave a nice sensation on my head and my hair had a nice sheen after I washed it out in the shower. I'll try to be consistent with this and see where it takes me.


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how will lavender oil mix with ethanol? You would think the oil would not mix in very well? Does it mix in well ccs or do you need to shake it prior to use?

Also are you still adding DMSO into your minoxidil/Lavender topical?

Scottish dermatologists stated that "Cedarwood, lavender, thyme, and rosemary oils have hair growth-promoting properties. These oils have been anecdotally used to treat alopecia (baldness) for more than 100 years."

You think someone would still be using them if they really worked?? But maybe most think its an old wives tales so dont bother. But I agree with you its cheap and worth a try.

I will add some to my Piroctone Olamine shampoo about 5 drops. could you just smear/rub some straight onto your scalp out of the bottle?

And ccs how are you getting your measurements for adding Lavender. Is 2-5 drops just your guesstimate?

All the best


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Thanks for the infro CCS...btw, what would some negative effects of systematic absorption be from using the lavender topical...anything to worry about? Also...I've read that using lavender can help improve scalp condition like reducing dryness, itching, flaking, scalp bumps this true?


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Last night i added 3 drops of pure rosemary oil to my conditioner, my scalp felt good, and my hair very shiny as a result.


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cmudave said:
Thanks for the infro CCS...btw, what would some negative effects of systematic absorption be from using the lavender topical...anything to worry about? Also...I've read that using lavender can help improve scalp condition like reducing dryness, itching, flaking, scalp bumps this true?

The only thing that you really have to worry about lavender is that you don't ingest it. As far as dryness goes, any oil will do the trick.


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blaze said:

how will lavender oil mix with ethanol? You would think the oil would not mix in very well? Does it mix in well ccs or do you need to shake it prior to use?
I just read that it mixes. I don't know for sure since I've just been putting it my shampoo.

Also are you still adding DMSO into your minoxidil/Lavender topical?
No but I will. I have in the past, not with Lavender though. I do 5% DMSO. It is used in paint thinner because it dissolves stuff so well. But I read in Life Extension Magazine that it is used topically as an anti-inflammatory, even for arthritis because it penetrates that deep. They even use 100% concentrations.

Scottish dermatologists stated that "Cedarwood, lavender, thyme, and rosemary oils have hair growth-promoting properties. These oils have been anecdotally used to treat alopecia (baldness) for more than 100 years."

You think someone would still be using them if they really worked?? But maybe most think its an old wives tales so dont bother. But I agree with you its cheap and worth a try.
I think the combo regrew some hair because of the Lavender, and maybe some of the other three actually fought the other direction. Who knows. I heard some bad stuff about the other three though, so I'm sticking to Lavender.

I will add some to my Piroctone Olamine shampoo about 5 drops.
I don't mix anything into my proven shampoos, like nizoral and piroctone olamine. I put experimentals in my off day shampoos. But I guess BodyShop Ginger Piroctone Olamine has so many other herbals in it that it probably can't hurt.

could you just smear/rub some straight onto your scalp out of the bottle?
Lavender is one of the more gentle essential oils, but I'm pretty sure you can't use any of them straight. You are supposed to dilute them at least 50:1. Tea Tree is one of the strongest, and more than 2 drops in your shampoo might burn your scalp, or at least it takes a while to fully mix.

And ccs how are you getting your measurements for adding Lavender. Is 2-5 drops just your guesstimate?
Sort of. I don't remember how many drops I used. But there is an amount that can burn you. I think 1/2 mL in my minoxidil burned my scalp, though I was also using 1/2mL of Peppermint. 1/2 mL is about 10-15 drops. So you might be able to do 10-15 of just Lavender. I put that much in my 200mL baby shampoo bottle. It does not burn, but it has a very strong lavender smell to it.


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i'm from belgium ,
i read here also alot of post , just to be sure i didnt miss any good product to try...

on our forum we have a person that makes topicals...
he picks the ingredients that are effective, makes a list of it , and sends it to a professional company that
makes topicals , when its done the company sends the topicals to all the users that orderd it...

heres a list of the latest topical : HW topical 3 (stands for HaarWeb topical 3)

Acetyl L-Carnitine
R-lipoic acid
Essential oils: thyme, rosemary, lavender en cedarwood
Linoleic acid
Red ginseng extract
Procyanidin B-3

i allready payed for 2 bottles , but they waith for the money of other members before sending the order to the company...
think this have any potential for blocking androgens , and stimulating growth hormones at the hairfollikel ?
it also cures inflammation...


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That sounds pretty cool Wesley, from Belgium. Anyone had any success as yet? or have people only just started trying these topicals?


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Thanks ccs.

I like hearing about your experimental stuff. Your an intelligent guy.

I also agree with your as low as possible maintanance too. Shampoos are ideal. I will buy some baby shampoo too and add some lavender oil as well.

all the best


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"In this study, 86 patients were placed into two different groups.
One (the active group) massaged their scalps daily with four essential
oils (thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedar wood) in a mixture
of jojoba and grape seed oils. The other group (the control group)
massaged only jojoba and grape seed oils into their scalps daily.
Each group massaged the oils into their scalps for a total of seven
Interestingly, 19 of 43 patients (44 percent) in the active group
showed improvement compared with only 6 of 41 patients (15percent) in the control group. The authors concluded that aromatherapy
with these essential oils may be a safe and effective
treatment for alopecia areata"

C+P from hair loss for dummies book


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the creator of the HW topicals is years on only topicals , and halted his hairloss completly...

also other users from the previous hw topicals did report halt of hairloss , no more inflammation...
so it did a verry good job in the past ...

this hw topical version 3 would even be better

i personal use more proven medicine : duta / fluta and minoxidil

but i wanne give it a try... i hope for more regrowth... my hairloss has stopped when i started using dutasteride and flutamide...
i have still lots of new hairs that come back , i hope to boost the regrowth even better with this topical...

i will post any experience with the topicals when i recieve them...


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Is there any danger with having 2 or 3 drops of lavender oil directly onto the scalp and then massage?


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vauxall said:
Is there any danger with having 2 or 3 drops of lavender oil directly onto the scalp and then massage?

Don't do it. You will not be able to take the smell.