Layer of dead skin or dandruff or something on scalp


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My white flakes problem (whatever it was, dandruff or otherwise) did not seem to go away after constant use of occassional Nizoral use, and daily Head & Shoulders use. I finally just lightly scraped it all off (felt so good), and now my head doesn't flake anymore at all. I'm kinda curious as to what it was, but I'm glad it's gone whatever it was. Anybody else experience this sorta persistent flaking? I'm kinda wondering what it was, and whether it was sorta hurting my results in any way. I should note that no hair came out with these flakes (besides normal daily fallout).

Anyway, just wondering others' experiences. Thanks!


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Seems when i use minoxidil i get a white film on my mug. Then it flakes and i end up pealing it. This been goin on since day 1. I use nizoral 2% as well.



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You can peel yours off? I'm not using any minoxidil or anything, no topicals, but I keep having tiny buildups of this stuff on my scalp. I thought I'd finally rid myself of it, but again, today I managed to scrape a whole bunch off. I really hope this stops, because constantly scratching my scalp isn't gonna deal with the problem.


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Deaner said:
You can peel yours off? I'm not using any minoxidil or anything, no topicals, but I keep having tiny buildups of this stuff on my scalp. I thought I'd finally rid myself of it, but again, today I managed to scrape a whole bunch off. I really hope this stops, because constantly scratching my scalp isn't gonna deal with the problem.

I used to get extremely dry patches of skin at and above my hairline, and still do if I don't use Nizoral at least 3 days a week and cover the front of my head in Cortizone 10 at least once a week for one night. I used to use a perscription topical seriod to stop the peeling/crusting/caking of dry skin, but it seems Cortizone 10 works just as well if not better.


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Deaner, how did you "scrape it off" when you still have hair there? Did you shave it?


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Fine toothed comb. Run that through my head a few times in a forward motion to just scrape off this layer of shite. It feels good while I do it too :) My head feels really tingly though right now, I've been doing it all day... :p

Molecular Help

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I have the same problem, also no topicals.

The build up always comes off with salicylic acid shampoo and conditioner in the shower, much easier than it does dry. It just sort of falls off. I have to use a lot of though, dabbing it on my finger, rubbing it directly on with some pressure, several times before it works.