Lazer therapy

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Hiya guys,

Posted some months back about my venture to start finasteride which i did for one month. Unfortunatly i got way too paranoid about the potentuial side effects especialy several people saying that they have expeienced permenant side effects!

So i'm now on minoxidl 2mg twice a day (treating a receeding hair line) so ill see how that goes not expectiong great things but will give it a go.

Today i went for a free consutation with 'advance hair studios' in London and they are syaing that their lazer therapy has a 85 - 90% success rate and 6 months will do the trick and cause 10 year lasting results. All for £1500.

I aksed the salesman if he guarnteed a money back policy as his apparent success rate was 85-90% he said no we don't. Seemed very unusual to me as his product seems brilliant statistically so why not have the confidence to gurantee at least some money back if you happen to be the unlucky 10 - 15% who it doen't work for.

Anyways guys still dabling with the idea of getting baxck on the finasteride just sh*t scred it will ruin my vitals and then what's the use anyways. Has anyone had any success with Lazer therapy at all? Advise greatly welcome!



Established Member
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Does not work 1%. It is a scam. The way to go for lifelong results is a hair transplant by a reputable doctor.
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Thanks fior getting back to me appreciated. Also quite broke at the moment and was thinkning of getting generic versions of propecia from

the product is made by cipla does anyone have any opinions on this at all? Actually came out of that hair consultation angru today it felt like a scam from the start and once he put his educational video on i felt so so stupid for even going. Just some dick taking advantage of someone wanting to sort themsleves out! was so angry!

He himslef had a glued on hair piece do siad it all really what a Sh*t head!


ADVANCED HAIR are well known scammers.Stay away from them and warn everyone you know about them.


Experienced Member
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For the uneducated guys please watch this video, Advanced Hair Studio is the biggest scam on this planet.



Experienced Member
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Laser generates real results, but why would it last once they are over? Very few therapies last beyond their duration. I mean maybe it would persist for a few months, but I don't think it is permanent.