Leave TIGER WOODS alone!


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Ok, so he cheated on his wife a few times, big deal. Just leave the guy alone.


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Well if you make $1 billion from tirelessly promoting yourself as mr clean cut. Then turn out to be the exact opposite its only fair that there will be some rebuke from all the people who have put that money in your pockets ie the public.

If you're a celebrity you cant have it both ways, you cant take advantage of all the privilage and the money then expect your massive 'indiscretions' to be simply ignored.
I think he's getting all he deserves and he's handled it in the worst way possible by hiding away and leaving the press free to run riot with the story.

The guys been a real idiot, how can he have expected to f*** all these gold digging w****s and not think for a second that they would try and use it to make money.

To me its no real shock that a $billionaire/celebrity is screwing around but to be so OTT about it, obviously the guy is way too far far up his own *** to see that even with all his money you cant just live exactly how you want and treat other people as commodities with it coming back to bite you on the arse big time.

I hope his wife leaves him and takes a sizeable chunk of his fortune - she may not have earned it physicaly but she was part of the family man image that was golddust to the conservative corperations allowing him to make all the money. And wether or not she deserves it for the humiliation she has suffered in general you just dont do that sort of thing to your wife and kids unless you are a major c***.

Ps what do reckon about his hair? Got to be on something to have kept that straggly nw2.5 stable for the last 10 yrs, and his dad was bald.

The Gardener

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Perhaps since he's so close to possibly breaking Jack Nicklaus' records, he decided to take a shot at Wilt Chaimberlain's?


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Sometimes I feel like this life is one long, inescapable episode of 'Entertainment Tonight'


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The Illuminati did it........................................ :whistle:


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s.a.f said:
Well if you make $1 billion from tirelessly promoting yourself as mr clean cut. Then turn out to be the exact opposite its only fair that there will be some rebuke from all the people who have put that money in your pockets ie the public.
Ps what do reckon about his hair? Got to be on something to have kept that straggly nw2.5 stable for the last 10 yrs, and his dad was bald.

Just because he's a super star doesn't mean he's not entitled to his privacy.

Ok, he behaved like an idiot but to me the real villain of this story is the media, not him. We all know what those greedy leeches are capable of, but this whole circus is insane, I don't think we've ever seen anything quite like it - not even the Clinton - Lewinski affair.

His hair still looks nice, he's probably on propecia (it's not an illegal substance in golf, I believe)


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He's got his privacy, he's spent the last 3 weeks in his massive fully staffed house.

Can you really expect him to be be able to carry on like normal with all this still going on. Like he's going to be able to walk about in public and no one mention it?
Its just the way it is and it would be the same for any celebrity or politician.
He's got to face up to what he's done maybe if he'd come out held his hands up and made a public statement to the press it would have blown over by now. But as I said before the fact that he's hidden away shows that he really has done something to be ashamed of and he's not man enough to face up to the reprocussions.
All this has played into the media's hands and the fact is they are giving people the stories they want if no one was interested then they would have let it go by now. And if this was a rockstar it would have been news for 1 day but Woods was Mr squeaky clean that was his projected image.

If you're in the public eye and enjoy all the benefits of fame (such as shagging golddigging w****s) thats the price you pay. If he does'nt like it he can stop playing golf and go live on a private island.


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I love how the press went all viral on him... as if ANY man would say no to the smokin hot b**ch he was banging (or b****s lol)....

somone uk

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i have grown up in an area where quite a few celeberties have gone, i went to school with Neville long bottom of harry potter not to mention 3 of the 4 kaiser chefs
it's an overrated idealisation imo
i don't give a sh*t about what tiger woods does in his personal life, and those who do and everyone who works at hello, ok and heat should get a life


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Most people claim the same but those magazines are the biggest sellers in Britain so theres alot of hypocrites out there, and Woods has used these such publications in the past for his own personal gain so he's guilty of being a hypocrite aswell



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somone uk

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s.a.f said:
Most people claim the same but those magazines are the biggest sellers in Britain so theres alot of hypocrites out there, and Woods has used these such publications in the past for his own personal gain so he's guilty of being a hypocrite aswell

not exactly i mean you would only need about 10% of people buying hello for it to be the best seller (that's about 6million in the uk) but 80% of people could say they need to get a life, so it can happen without any hypocrisy

also i would say the baby is a Norwood 5-6 ish :p


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in all fairness Tiger is a business and had a lot of people riding on his image. and who hasn't been hurt by cheating in some way so it hits most people personally in some way.


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aussieavodart said:
Sometimes I feel like this life is one long, inescapable episode of 'Entertainment Tonight'



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monty1978 said:
Ps smooth are you a misogynist?
No. (and your mommy is my alibi :hump: )

monty1978 said:
Pps smooth. You aint smooth you're definately love the twat!

i do!

ok, before it gets hijacked; i agree with the op, let a guy have hes fun and leave him alone...really..who gives a f*** ... :jackit:


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Belmondo said:
His hair still looks nice, he's probably on propecia (it's not an illegal substance in golf, I believe)

I guess finasteride doesn't affect libido after all. :hump:


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Cassin said:
in all fairness Tiger is a business and had a lot of people riding on his image. and who hasn't been hurt by cheating in some way so it hits most people personally in some way.

Woods scandal cost shareholders up to $12 billion

Study finds golfer’s affairs hurt sponsors’ market value

* Findings show celebrity endorsements have downside risks

MIAMI, Dec 29 (Reuters) - The sex scandal that engulfed Tiger Woods may have cost shareholders of companies endorsed by the world’s No. 1 golfer up to $12 billion in losses, according to a study by two economics professors from the University of California, Davis.

The study, released on Monday by researchers Victor Stango and Christopher Knittel, gave an estimate for damage to the market value of Woods’ main sponsors caused by revelations of alleged extramarital affairs that surfaced after he was involved in a minor car accident outside his Florida home on Nov. 27.

“We estimate that shareholders of Tiger Woods’ sponsors lost $5-12 billion after his car accident, relative to shareholders of firms that Mr. Woods does not endorse,†the researchers wrote, adding that millions of shareholders were affected.

“Our analysis makes clear that while having a celebrity of Tiger Woods’ stature as an endorser has undeniable upside, the downside risk is substantial, too,†Stango, a professor at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management, said in a statement released along with the study.

Woods, believed to be the world’s wealthiest athlete who was estimated to earn about $100 million a year in endorsement deals before his troubles, confessed on Dec. 11 to “infidelity†to his Swedish wife Elin Nordegren. He announced he would take an indefinite break from golf to save his marriage.

Some of the star golfer’s main commercial sponsors have backed away from him as a result of the scandal. Others, while standing by him, have said they are evaluating their future relationship.


In their study, the two professors said they looked at stock market returns for the 13 trading days after Nov. 27, the date of the car incident that ignited the Woods scandal.

They compared returns for Woods’ sponsors during this period to those of both the total stock market and of each sponsor’s closest competitor. They also reviewed returns for four years before the car accident to build up a comparative picture of the sponsors’ market performance.

The study looked at sponsors of Tiger Woods for which stock prices were available, in several cases through quoted prices for the parent companies. Sponsors included: Accenture; AT&T; Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf (Electronic Arts); Gillette (Proctor and Gamble); Nike; Gatorade (PepsiCo); TLC Laser Eye Centers.

The report carried a caution that this kind of statistical study might have a “particularly large†margin of error because many sponsors were subsidiaries of larger quoted companies.

Overall, Knittel and Stango concluded that the scandal reduced shareholder value in the sponsor companies by 2.3 percent, or about $12 billion.

They called the results statistically significant and said the overall pattern of losses at the parent companies was unlikely to stem from ordinary day-to-day variation in their stock prices.â€

“Our findings speak to a larger question of general interest in the business and academic communities: Does celebrity sponsorship have any impact on a firm’s bottom line?†Stango and Knittel said in presenting the report.

The scandal saw a parade of more than a dozen women—from cocktail waitresses to p**rn stars—come forward to say they had affairs with the married father of two. Since the start of the scandal, Woods has kept out of sight of the media.