legalize marijuana?


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I agree, marijuana should be legalized and as you stated, Alcohol and tobacco are and they have far more devestaing effects, not to mention the number of social problems alcohol can/does cause....Think I might go roll a J.

somone uk

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I know someone who has had a bad reaction to cannabis
1 bad episode
he was hearing voices for 2 years whist on anti psychotics
permanent mental illness
5 years later he still hasn't recovered, probably never will

people always evaluate drugs based on dependency and physical harm but not mental harm, because as long as you can stand on 2 feet, who cares :thumbdown2:
so i am going to say no thank you


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It definitely should be legalized and we do seem to be headed in that direction. It's been decriminalized in quite a number of states and there is an ever growing number of states recognizing it's use in medical treatment. I also read an article today indicating the feds will no longer interfere with state regulated marijuana dispensaries (it's still against federal law regardless of state law) or those that legally use under their state's medical marijuana guidelines.

I think within the next 10-20 years it will be completely legal and regulated like alcohol and tobacco.


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somone uk said:
so i am going to say no thank you

Despite being pro-choice, this time I will have to agree with you...

I have seen first hand what it can do to people and it's not nice...


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Legalise it! :woot:

As someoneuk said eventually it will be made legal, common sense will prevail.

It's true some people find weed brings out a latent metal health problems, although a very small percentage .something...whether this latent problem would show up eventually anyway is an arguing point, but I believe alcohol, stress etc could equally bring it out.

I've toked for about 12 years, love it. No1 vice.

Also, a very comprehensive study was carried out by a independent university that found weed has anti cancer properties and this, believe it or not protects people from lung cancer. Even tobacco smokers who sometimes smoke weed had lower incidences of lung cancer than someone who smokes only tobacco.

The study was ignored by all main stream media and journals. It was a rock solid study as well, as the scientist who conducted the experiment was anti drugs.

If someone really wants to see the study let me know as i'm sure i'll be able to track it down online.


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It's true some people find weed brings out a latent metal health problems, although a very small percentage .something...whether this latent problem would show up eventually anyway is an arguing point, but I believe alcohol, stress etc could equally bring it out.

:bravo: :agree:


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Ian Curtis said:
Bunch of democrats!

I know you're kidding but I'm not even a democrat and I don't smoke weed.

to me this is a common sense issue and has nothing to do with party affiliation. The biggest opponents of keeping marijuana illegal are those in the alcohol world. Budweiser and those with deep pockets will spend whatever it takes keeping marijuana illegal. Its all business...

Think of what taxes on weed could do for much wasted money potential going to gangsters....senseless.

And I am such a big believer in the medical benefits.


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Cassin said:
The biggest opponents of keeping marijuana illegal are those in the alcohol world.

You mean the biggest proponents?

Ian Curtis

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I wonder what differences the market drug world would go through if it was legalized.Would people start cultivating it in America or would they just import? Would it be accepted that the south american ( thats where most of marijuana comes from?) countries keep producing it?


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Ian Curtis said:
Would people start cultivating it in America or would they just import? Would it be accepted that the south american ( thats where most of marijuana comes from?) countries keep producing it?

Believe it or not, marijuana is already the largest cash crop in a number of states and the quality of "homegrown" marijuana is generally superior to the "commercial" weed grown in Mexico/South America. I think legalization in the U.S. would pretty much zero out the need for any of the junk grown elsewhere.


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Ian Curtis said:
I wonder what differences the market drug world would go through if it was legalized.Would people start cultivating it in America or would they just import? Would it be accepted that the south american ( thats where most of marijuana comes from?) countries keep producing it?

I don't understand why more people don't grow it themselves instead of buying it illegally. I had an old friend who did that...seemed easy.


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Cassin said:
I don't understand why more people don't grow it themselves instead of buying it illegally. I had an old friend who did that...seemed easy.

It is easy. I currently know someone who had a bit of a garden in their bedroom closet and it turned out some of the best stuff I ever tried. I don't partake too often these days and it knocked me on my a@#.


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Should definitely be legalized and taxed... it would reduce crime, provide funds, and reduce the number of people we have to support behind bars for petty position arrests.

I'm sure once the next generation of people become this country's leaders you will see it legalized, for sure.

Only a matter of time.


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I don't understand why more people don't grow it themselves instead of buying it illegally. I had an old friend who did that...seemed easy.

People are lazy........ :whistle:

somone uk

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i don't think a drug that could cause paranoid schizophrenia being very good at stopping conflict
i mean a condition where you think people are out to get you isn't very conflict preventing