^I can see your point but this is always the thing with comedy, at what point does it cross a line?
Of course he makes a mockery of it, that's the point, for comedic value. It may ring some truths home as well, also the point, an element of truth and humour. A lot of people on here like the clips from Seinfeld on baldness and quotes like (to a guy who's almost completely bald on how to appreciate his remaining hair) "Live every moment like it's the last of your life- because in many ways, it is".
Depressing? Sure. Humorous? Definitely. The element of truth (or debatable truth) here is what makes it funny, many on here would practically agree.
In a way as well with comedy, when it comes to overly depressing topics, if you don't laugh, you'll cry.
H.L., you do bring up good points and you seem like an intelligent guy but I just do not find Larry David funny at all. "Live every moment like it's the last of your life - because in many ways, it is". That is not funny to me, it is just sad and depressing. I could understand if maybe a reputable guy with some redeeming quality like Bill Goldberg joked about it occasionally, but Larry David just harps on it constantly. He epitomizes every stereotype that men with hair loss aspire not to be, and through those stereotypes, I believe he helps to reinforce society's schitty stereotypes of bald men.
I can see where you are coming from to a certain degree though. Before hair loss, I was a big Seinfeld fan and used to always record its episodes. I never viewed George Costanza as being anything other than funny and I thought the whole show was hysterical. I still think that the show is very funny although now I cannot even stand the sight of George Costanza. I was previously blissfully naïve about all of the baldness jokes in my pre-hair-loss days, yet now I cringe at it.
Also, as I stated before, Larry David just harps on it constantly with the same old innuendos implying that bald men are losers and are unattractive, like they are some type of foreign and distinct species dissimilar from all other human beings. I also believe that there is something mentally wrong with him as well since all he ever does it make fun of himself. For the basis of comparison, I sometimes watch The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and every once in a while, they'll joke about Uncle Phil's baldness. But at least he has plenty of redeeming qualities and his baldness is not beat to death into a person's subconscious like a dead horse.
I agree with your last sentence to a certain degree, but Larry David just goes so shamelessly overboard with it. It's like he is saying "I look like a loser, I am a loser, I behave like a loser, and I don't care". Sometimes you do have to laugh though. For instance, I was in the gym the other day and being the metalhead that I am, I commented to another guy on his tattoo, thinking it was of the singer of an 80's black metal band. It wasn't though, and since he was bald, he made a quip about how he did not have enough hair to be a metalhead. But this guy was a bad-*** lifter, who was tatted up and definitely possessed some degree of self-confidence. This guy though looked like a real man and just made a funny quip, and that was it. Larry David plays the ultimate bald loser card again and again and again ad nauseum. And I think that helps to contribute to society's terrible views of bald men.