Let me get this straight.

Green Soap

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minoxidil and finasteride work for a couple of years, then after those couple of years, it's all falling out again.

I just want this clarified.


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Teetering on the edge said:
minoxidil and finasteride work for a couple of years, then after those couple of years, it's all falling out again.

I just want this clarified.


Dig up a thread by The Gardener called "This one should start some debate"

It explains this top to bottom.

Green Soap

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Bryan wrote:

" Even though your hair may be continuing to dwindle again due to the balding process as the years go by (after that initial spurt of regrowth during the very first year or so of minoxidil usage), you still have a little more hair at any given point than you would if you were NOT using minoxidil (that's the famous "offset of growth" which I like to talk about). See what I mean? "

So, in other words, yes.

So if I am using minoxidil and nizoral right now (am a diffuse 2) and this week am adding finasteride and folligen I am, at best, buying 5 years?


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Assumption. There are documented cases of people going strong 8 years +.

That being said, it may very well begin to dwindle at the 5 year mark again.

Green Soap

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..................and there are people on the "dutasteride" thread who are claiming to be losing again after a couple of good years.


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but dudes, that whole minoxidil 'offset of growth' describes the situation if you use only minoxidil. the synergistic effects of both finasteride and minoxidil can throw that out the window (from what i understand).


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Teetering on the edge said:
..................and there are people on the "dutasteride" thread who are claiming to be losing again after a couple of good years.

It hasn't been out for two years. Hyperbole.