Let The Journey Of Finasteride Begin. 25 Yo Male, Diffuse Nw2.75


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Will be posting updates here on my situation.

Basically everything went as i expected.

I started to diffuse badly few years ago (~200-300 hairs a day), but i didnt pay attention, thought it was due to stress and other factors, since i never came across bald men in my family line. Even my parents reassured me daily it's gona be back to normal when u drink some vitamins and other bullshit.

Well with time i realized ive got fucked genes on my hands and im balding and its not gona stop.

Then i hesitated for a long time if i will ever jump on finasteride, but at the same time i realized, that the time will come when my hair will get so bad that i will look in the mirror and realize its time to hop on it.

Well today is the day, first ~0.5 propecia taken.

Lets see where this takes me.


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Wish you the best bro.

These are the side effects I had in the beginning, but most of it went away: Testicular pain/stings, watery semen.

And if you get ED, lower libido, brain fog I advise you to quit fina.
well, looking at my fucked up thin hair today, im more concerned that finasteride works rather than about side effecst now haha
scary sh*t


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Well, today was first day i didnt wake up depressed and miserable about hair loss, cuz i finally took action about it, thats nice for a change


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What an immense difference in happiness levels. Before i started taking finasteride, i used to wake up depressed, angry and bitter about hair loss, devastated that life fucked me over, but now i dont even think about it, pop the pill and hope for the best, think about other stuff. Definitely huge improvement in mood and outlook.


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Well, surely, who would think everything goes smoothly. Yesterday after a week on finasteride i got first side - dry throat, weird discomfort in adams apple and desire to 'clearn your voice' every 10 minutes, last days i dont speak much, otherwise it could probably drive me mental, having to clear voice before every dialogue.

This is absolutely bullshit rare weird side effect, but its fucked up enough to force me off finasteride. Will have to monitor it for next few days, but most definitely i can already see its not gona get better. Fucked up sh*t this is.


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Well, surely, who would think everything goes smoothly. Yesterday after a week on finasteride i got first side - dry throat, weird discomfort in adams apple and desire to 'clearn your voice' every 10 minutes, last days i dont speak much, otherwise it could probably drive me mental, having to clear voice before every dialogue.

This is absolutely bullshit rare weird side effect, but its fucked up enough to force me off finasteride. Will have to monitor it for next few days, but most definitely i can already see its not gona get better. Fucked up sh*t this is.

That is a mental thing man. I cant think of any mechanism of how that side could even happen.

I could hair less

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OP you got issues and hair is the least of them... dry throat for 5 mins and you blame finasteride hahaha...based on how you were talking I would've thought you would've lost your dick after 3 days, but that would've happen had you had a dick..


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OP you got issues and hair is the least of them... dry throat for 5 mins and you blame finasteride hahaha...based on how you were talking I would've thought you would've lost your dick after 3 days, but that would've happen had you had a dick..
what the f*** is you got issues and the hair is the least of them? you are completely inbred imbicile.
you havent even taken finasteride and you are here talking something about its consequences to me, what a pathetic worthless trashbag you are.


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well, one guy said it gotta be due to loss of mucosal lubrication, which makes the voice dry and lacking force behind it.

I mean I really do think its in your head. I dont want to undermine what you are experiencing but that really seems like a nocebo effect.

If I were you id stick with it lol. Having to clear my throat more often is way way way better than looking like a bald cuck before 30.


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He agonised over the decision for at least a year and is clearly of a very nervous disposition. It always seemed likely he would find an excuse to not stick with it long term. He may as well quit the forum too, because he’s not going to get the ratification of his decisions he craves here.


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I mean I really do think its in your head. I dont want to undermine what you are experiencing but that really seems like a nocebo effect.

If I were you id stick with it lol. Having to clear my throat more often is way way way better than looking like a bald cuck before 30.
i mean, what does 'in one's head mean'? that its psychosomatic? it cant be, since i didnt even think about my throat at all, it just happened, it cant be nocebo, if anything i was concerned with my dick working and nipples being in normal state.

i am sticking with it, seeing how it goes along. being bald under 30 is definitely a social death sentence, so yeah, probably better to clear ur voice every 15 minutes, than attaching a wig regularly.

also, this side isnt just me, other people described it on the web way before


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i mean, what does 'in one's head mean'? that its psychosomatic? it cant be, since i didnt even think about my throat at all, it just happened, it cant be nocebo, if anything i was concerned with my dick working and nipples being in normal state.

i am sticking with it, seeing how it goes along. being bald under 30 is definitely a social death sentence, so yeah, probably better to clear ur voice every 15 minutes, than attaching a wig regularly.

also, this side isnt just me, other people described it on the web way before

Are you really 28?


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So i'm on somewhere close to end o week 3, went from having increased libido to not having any at all, also dick feels limp like a noodle, even when non erected, it was bigger and felt more firm

Will be monitoring it over, cuz might be connected with lots of stress past week, havent slept couple of nights due to dead lines to projects and such.

I know understand, when some users said that sex drive is directly connected with overall drive for life and inner energy. Thats how i feel right now.

Hopefully the situation stabilizes, because otherwise i will have to choose between this and hair. And at this point im shedding and not even sure if finasteride helps my hair.


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Are you sure that many of the side effects you claim to have are not just autosuggestion? I could not deny that finasteride does not produce any side effects ever and to anyone. But I have been in this forum for a short time now and from your messages it seemed like you were completely paranoid even before you took the first pill. If I had to guess it was almost obvious that you were going to have side effects of all kinds You can't take any pills with fear. Try to be calm and give it time.


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I need your guys advice. I'm really scared right now about state of my hair and what future holds regarding it. Normally i was very bitter, angry and depressed about the fact that i was balding, but i was ok with my nw2.5-3ish hair and density, i didnt have to wear hats or use toppik anyhow. If my hair got really oily, it'd be noticeable i have thinning, but after washing it, it'd have full coverage back. But yesterday, i freaked really bad, i havent been so scared in years. After i washed my hair and dried it, i could see scalp through it, for the very first time in my life in dry state.

So i've been on finasteride 0.5mg a day, for about 2 months, roughly 56 days. Last weeks i was taking it EOD, because i was running out of propecia and failed to source it in time again.
Ive been off finasteride for 6 days now and next batch i will receive only on next friday, so it will be 14 days off medication.

What are your thoughts on my situation? I still lose significant amount of hair each wash and everyday, around 150-300 hairs a shower.
I havent even taken propecia for more than 60 days thought, so it might be silly to expect any results so far.

Next week i have interviews lined up and i probably will be switching to a new better job, so if we talk about minoxidil, the initial shed of it, might make me look nearly slick bald, with current density, thus destroying my socialization at workplace.

Should i consider dutasteride? Should i add minoxidil to the regimen regardless? Should i stick with finasteride and hope for the best?

My hormones in finasteride hasnt changed pretty much, i havent tested DHT levels, because my local labs dont provide reactives for it.

@Wolf Pack @bridgeburn @DoctorHouse @michel sapin @CrownBalding @Manochoice


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So i've been on finasteride 0.5mg a day, for about 2 months, roughly 56 days. Last weeks i was taking it EOD, because i was running out of propecia and failed to source it in time again.
Ive been off finasteride for 6 days now and next batch i will receive only on next friday, so it will be 14 days off medication.

What are your thoughts on my situation?
you should calm down and start taking finasteride every single day consistently.

I havent even taken propecia for more than 60 days thought, so it might be silly to expect any results so far.
exactly, in fact its normal to have shedding before it gets better.


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you should calm down and start taking finasteride every single day consistently.

exactly, in fact its normal to have shedding before it gets better.
I have seen your case and you do have diffuse thinning going on. All you can do is just take 1mg of Finasteride, use Minoxidil foam twice daily and Nizoral shampoo a few times per week. If you want some extra conditioning then get the Ordinary Hair Density serum I mentioned. You have to be patient as most maximum results will not be reached until one to two years. I would not recommend dutasteride at this time as you have not given finasteride enough chance to work. Just remember, your genetics will always try to win. Also remember these medications are not cures so they will only offset your final Norwood. You have to stop obsessing about your hair( I spent over 14 years doing it and its not worth it). My hair is still thinning even with treatments so all I can do is use what I am and wait until the next best thing comes along. You are at the mercy of your genetics.
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