let the side effects begin!


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i just recieved 90 tablets of proscar today and i am gonna stick on this for a year and maybe at the 6 month mark add rogaine.

so, i should go pick up some nizoral right away and use it every 3 days? anything else i need?

should i wait until the summer is over because i do a lot of outdoor activities and swimming and i dont want the sheds to make me stop these activities


98 people out of 100 do not have side effects on Finasteride
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Do we honestly believe in the statistics that Merck tells us? I don't trust and corporation's statistics. Look at Procerin who claims the have a 89% success rate with a product that we all believe to be bogus.

There are side effects with finasteride. And side effects like shedding occur in a sh*t load more than 2% of its users. It's obvious.


Established Member
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'Shedding' isn't really a side-effect. It's just part of the hair's natural growth cycle that you interrupt when starting finasteride.

EXPECTING side effects, especially those of a sexual nature, is just silly. More than likely, you will not have to deal with them.


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NorwoodClimber said:
Do we honestly believe in the statistics that Merck tells us? I don't trust and corporation's statistics. Look at Procerin who claims the have a 89% success rate with a product that we all believe to be bogus.

There are side effects with finasteride. And side effects like shedding occur in a sh*t load more than 2% of its users. It's obvious.

Bro, dont compare apples to oranges cause it wont work here. Procerin, an all natural supplement that cures hairloss, can not be compared to Propecia. Propecia had years of studies and went throught clinical trials. It has been around for quite sometime in the form of Proscar. Procerin, is a obvious get rich quick scam that preys on the insercurities of us balding men. It has no clinical trials no scientific evidence to back it up.

Although I believe that perhaps the side effect percentage may be a little skewed, you also need to understand that negative results will surfice a lot fast then positive results.

Tony Montana


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yeah, when i said side effects i meant shedding to because shedding wont happen if i never took proscar. so, i consider that a side effect.

also, no one has answered my question about nizoral. do i need it? or do you only need it when your on progaine?
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From all acounts Nizoral is a must. The participants in the finastride studies were told to use Nizoral. So if there's any truth to the statistics Nizoral probably played a big part in the success.

Recent studies show that the chemical (whose name I don't remember) in Nizoral is an anti-andgrogen comparible to minoxidil 2%.

It's purpose is to reduce the scalp inflammation and itch that can occur with both finastride and minoxidil use.


NorwoodClimber said:
From all acounts Nizoral is a must. The participants in the finastride studies were told to use Nizoral. So if there's any truth to the statistics Nizoral probably played a big part in the success.

Recent studies show that the chemical (whose name I don't remember) in Nizoral is an anti-andgrogen comparible to minoxidil 2%.

It's purpose is to reduce the scalp inflammation and itch that can occur with both finastride and minoxidil use.

T/Gel not Nizoral was used in the trials, this is because the trials were to see if propecia stimulated hair growth and Nizoral is a mild growth stimulant so this would have skewed the results.

The active ingredient in Nizoral is called Ketoconazole.

Ketoconazole is also said to wash DHT from the scalp (Dr Lee's site)

Read the 'Why you better be using Nizoral!' link in the upper left of this window.

I have used Proscar (you are taking just a 5th of a tablet a day I hope!) for 10 months with no shed and propecia for 12 moths before that with no shed.

Good Luck


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i havent taken it yet. the boxes are sitting on my dresser right now. i probably will try to cut the pills into 5th's but if that is a hassel i will just do 4th's.

is that good, bad, no difference?


not much in it really, funny shaped pills, it's no easier to cut them into 4th instead of 5ths.

I personally am on 1.25mg (4ths)
