Lets settle this. Does propecia work in the front?


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Yes. But certainly not as good as in the back.
There are two theories:

(1) The hair loss in the front (temples) is so strong (i.e. the follicles are very sensitive to DHT) such that the lowering uf DHT as it is done with Finasteride is not enough to stop the loss there. Perhaps that is the reason hair loss starts in that area in most people.

(2) In the frontal area of the scalp is the isoenzyme type 1 of 5-alpha-reductase predominant. Finasteride inhibits type 2 but not type 1. In that case Dutasteride would do a good job in the frontal area.


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I would have to say (1) more likely.. because looking from my own perspective, the damage in the front is huge compared to anywhere else. Its only natural that finasteride may take longer to reverse or slow the damage..


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It did for me. Look at the difference in my before and after pictures. It's not excellent regrowth but it's definitly noticable. I was also using minoxidil and nizoral.


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yes it does help, but I wouldnt count on it growing a noticable amount of hair on its own. Its better for keeping the hair, just like the top and back of the head. There was a study posted for the results of propecia's effect on frontal hair growth. It might be in the studies area accessable from the main page.


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I used it entirely for frontal thinning and it worked 100% to stop the thinning, after a full year of use.



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After six months it greatly imporved the texture and thickness of my frontal hair, I did however have severe damage to the left and right temple which it did not grow back but I think that would have been a miracle. I have only been able to achieve reasonable growth with 5% Xandrox but it is not where I want it yet or maybe never will be without an H/T.


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4 months..and no. my hair in the front has gotten thinner since using proscar..but the back has gotten better..but if it looks noticible in the front and not the back you're still screwed and are eventually going to have to shave it.

Anorexic Hair

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So that means that if your a diffuse thinner your have 83% of keeping what u have?? ... hard to believe


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I sure hope it works in the front, so far its helped my vertex.


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so it does work in the front badhairdecade your hair has definetly gotten better..much thicker...
and filled in too alot in the front area..
how long u been on your treatments only 3 months?

anyone else have success with propecia up front?..hopewas i thought u said your hair is getting better on propecia


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it is.. not on the front though. seems that i have less hair in the front then when i started proscar. a lot less. hopefully it's just on a resting phase