Let's talk NANO


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I search around about this stuff but dont find much in the way of results, or many people using it for that matter. I've always wanted to try it, especially since, all things considered, its not a big investment for 20-something bucks (on lef.org anyways) so ive ordered some and am pretty much just gonna use that and nizoral as my shampoo.

Anyone have anything to say about it? I believe ive asked questions like this before, but ive never seen much response, but since im gonna start using it soon, i thought id try again. I figure if it does nothing for me its no big loss so here goes nothin'


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Mircalegro said:
I search around about this stuff but dont find much in the way of results, or many people using it for that matter. I've always wanted to try it, especially since, all things considered, its not a big investment for 20-something bucks (on lef.org anyways) so ive ordered some and am pretty much just gonna use that and nizoral as my shampoo.

I think that's a pretty good combination, although I'd probably also throw in one extra ordinary, non-medicated, cheap shampoo as a third one for the rotation. Dr. Proctor has said rather emphatically in the past that NANO shampoo (or maybe he was just referring to NANO the chemical! :) ) works as he says it does. I think NANO shampoo and Nizoral shampoo are the only shampoos that really do have an effect on hair growth, as opposed to things like Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos.


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finfighter said:
Bryan what is the chemical NANO?

Nicotinic acid n-oxide.


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I can't finasteride NANO shampoo at that price mentioned above /$20/. Everywhere on the net the price is double.


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I think NANO shampoo and Nizoral shampoo are the only shampoos that really do have an effect on hair growth, as opposed to things like Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos.

Anyone surprised Bryan would say that?

It's nonsense, btw.


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Jacob said:
I think NANO shampoo and Nizoral shampoo are the only shampoos that really do have an effect on hair growth, as opposed to things like Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos.

Anyone surprised Bryan would say that?

It's nonsense, btw.

Anyone surprised Jacob would say that? Whenever Bryan posts, Jacob is never far "behind". Jacob let it go, Bryan is just trying to help. :shakehead:


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Nope..not letting it go. Someone said the same thing to me on a Revivogen thread and I just turned it around on him..hmmmm..wonder who that was...

There's nothing helpful about pushing the same thing all the time..and making statements that anyone else would be having "shill" yelled at them over. For 10+ years......

There are plenty of shampoos that can have an effect on hair growth.


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abovedagame said:
Bryan, do you think using nano 2-3 times a week will still reap benefits? Proctor recommends on the bottle to use it 3-6 times a week.

Sure, I would imagine every little bit helps. By the way, I hope you do like has always been suggested, and leave the shampoo on your scalp for as long as possible before rinsing it off.


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Jacob said:
I think NANO shampoo and Nizoral shampoo are the only shampoos that really do have an effect on hair growth, as opposed to things like Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos.

Anyone surprised Bryan would say that?

It's nonsense, btw.

What's "nonsense" about what I said? Be specific. Do you think Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos are major growth stimulators?? :)


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Jacob said:
There's nothing helpful about pushing the same thing all the time..and making statements that anyone else would be having "shill" yelled at them over. For 10+ years......

Honesty isn't one of your strong suits, is it, Jacob? I've already proved to you in a previous thread that I seldom ever mention Dr. Proctor's products. Just about the only time I do that is when somebody asks a direct question about them (like in this thread), or somebody frets on and on about not being able to use Propecia because of serious side effects, and wants some idea of what to use in place of finasteride. The obvious reply to such a post is to suggest Proxiphen or Prox-N.

Jacob said:
There are plenty of shampoos that can have an effect on hair growth.

Oh, like Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos?? Maybe Nioxin shampoo? :)


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Bryan said:
Jacob said:
I think NANO shampoo and Nizoral shampoo are the only shampoos that really do have an effect on hair growth, as opposed to things like Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos.

Anyone surprised Bryan would say that?

It's nonsense, btw.

What's "nonsense" about what I said? Be specific. Do you think Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos are major growth stimulators?? :)

Why don't you tell Dr. Proctor to be specific? There is no evidence for his claims, yet you keep running around here with your "be specific" type nonsense.

Tricomin and Revivogen are about as good at being "major growth stimulators" as Nano is. As the original poster pointed out..there isn't exactly a lot of evidence out there that Nano does much. Check out Revita or any # of shampoos out there.


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Honesty isn't one of your strong suits, is it, Jacob? I've already proved to you in a previous thread that I seldom ever mention Dr. Proctor's products. Just about the only time I do that is when somebody asks a direct question about them (like in this thread), or somebody frets on and on about not being able to use Propecia because of serious side effects, and wants some idea of what to use in place of finasteride. The obvious reply to such a post is to suggest Proxiphen or Prox-N.

That's FUNNY. You are the one not being honest. You have..for probably 10+ years..constantly pushed this same crap on ppl. It doesn't matter if someone asks a question about it or not. It's not just your mentioning of it..it's your claims, just like Dr. P. Even your last statement there is pathetic. "The obvious reply"? Only for what anybody else would be called..a shill.

Oh, like Tricomin and Revivogen shampoos?? Maybe Nioxin shampoo?

Sure..see my previous post.


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to the poster who asked where to find nano for ~$20, i got it on amazon through vitamindiscountexpress, which doesnt seem to be a sketchy venture- if you dont wanna take a risk and buy it from the source for like 25 bucks, goto www.lef.org

they sell a "lite" version (which is the one i bought, just through a discount vendor via amazon)

anyway, thanks for the tip bryan, i think im gonna try to do 3 days nizoral, 3 days nano, and ill use a plain ol' shampoo once a week just to give my scalp a break

when it gets here, ill post my thoughts on it (by which of course i mean how it makes my hair/scalp look and feel after use)


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Jacob said:
Why don't you tell Dr. Proctor to be specific?

Specific about what? What are you talking about? :dunno:

Jacob said:
There is no evidence for his claims, yet you keep running around here with your "be specific" type nonsense.

Are you one of those crazy people who have stated occasionally (presumably with a straight face) that there are exactly two substances which work for male pattern baldness, and all the other substances (and products that use those other substances) are just "snake oil"? Dr. Proctor has used NANO for decades in his products, and assures us that it works the way he says it does. If you don't believe what he says, that's fine, but I don't particularly care. I care what Dr. Proctor says.

Jacob said:
Tricomin and Revivogen are about as good at being "major growth stimulators" as Nano is.

LOL!! Really? :)


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Jacob said:
Honesty isn't one of your strong suits, is it, Jacob? I've already proved to you in a previous thread that I seldom ever mention Dr. Proctor's products. Just about the only time I do that is when somebody asks a direct question about them (like in this thread), or somebody frets on and on about not being able to use Propecia because of serious side effects, and wants some idea of what to use in place of finasteride. The obvious reply to such a post is to suggest Proxiphen or Prox-N.

That's FUNNY. You are the one not being honest. You have..for probably 10+ years..constantly pushed this same crap on ppl.

I posted about his stuff a lot more way back on alt.baldspot, but nowadays I mention it a lot less. Why have you so very carefully failed to mention that actual count that I did recently, when the actual number of posts I made in which I even MENTIONED Dr. Proctor's products was only something like one every 20 or so posts (I forget the exact number), which isn't exactly "constantly pushing this crap on ppl")? Hmmmmmm?? You really do have a big problem with basic honesty, don't you, Jacob? :shock:

Jacob said:
It doesn't matter if someone asks a question about it or not. It's not just your mentioning of it..it's your claims, just like Dr. P. Even your last statement there is pathetic. "The obvious reply"? Only for what anybody else would be called..a shill.

If you think it's "pathetic" just to tell people what Dr. Proctor said about Proxiphen being more effective than Propecia, I really don't care. I care what HE thinks, a lot more than I care what YOU think. Better get used to that.


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Bryan said:
Specific about what? What are you talking about? :dunno:

There is no evidence for his claims, yet you keep running around here with your "be specific" type nonsense. Shall I repeat it for you Bryan? He claims Prox works better than any other agent out there. Prove it, with specifics. He, along with you, talk about "mystery ingredients" that are not on the labels. Be specific- what are they? Does the FDA know about those mystery ingreds? Be specific- he never answered that question either.

Bryan said:
Are you one of those crazy people who have stated occasionally (presumably with a straight face) that there are exactly two substances which work for male pattern baldness, and all the other substances (and products that use those other substances) are just "snake oil"? Dr. Proctor has used NANO for decades in his products, and assures us that it works the way he says it does. If you don't believe what he says, that's fine, but I don't particularly care. I care what Dr. Proctor says.

You asking me if I'm one of those crazy people...the guy who loves trying new products/ingreds and/or posts about them? Compared to you, who rehashes the same stuff for years and years? Dr. Proctor assuring us that it works the way he says it does..is that the joke of the day?

Jacob said:
Tricomin and Revivogen are about as good at being "major growth stimulators" as Nano is.

LOL!! Really? :)[/quote]

Yes, really.


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Bryan said:
I posted about his stuff a lot more way back on alt.baldspot, but nowadays I mention it a lot less. Why have you so very carefully failed to mention that actual count that I did recently, when the actual number of posts I made in which I even MENTIONED Dr. Proctor's products was only something like one every 20 or so posts (I forget the exact number), which isn't exactly "constantly pushing this crap on ppl")? Hmmmmmm?? You really do have a big problem with basic honesty, don't you, Jacob? :shock:

I have not failed to mention "that actual count". We and others already shot that down. As I pointed out at the time..it doesn't matter anyway. It's the fact that this line is the one you have been pushing for 10+ years. Never backing up Dr. P's claims. When it comes to products, it's Prox Prox Nano Nano for you. Let's use your #'s..the other 19 I can guarantee have nothing to do with product discussions...unless of course you're being critical of one.

Bryan said:
If you think it's "pathetic" just to tell people what Dr. Proctor said about Proxiphen being more effective than Propecia, I really don't care. I care what HE thinks, a lot more than I care what YOU think. Better get used to that.

And what HE thinks is just that..what HE thinks. He, after 10+ years...STILL has nothing to back it up with. And neither do you. We may be used to that..but it's still going to be pointed out.


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Jacob is correct in that there there's no evidence that NANO works any better than Tricomin or Revivogen, if at all.


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Jacob said:
Bryan said:
Specific about what? What are you talking about? :dunno:

There is no evidence for his claims, yet you keep running around here with your "be specific" type nonsense. Shall I repeat it for you Bryan? He claims Prox works better than any other agent out there. Prove it, with specifics.

You're not even making sense by saying "be specific" or "with specifics" in this context. Here's a little hint for you: just say "Prove it", and leave out the part about specifics.

Jacob said:
He, along with you, talk about "mystery ingredients" that are not on the labels. Be specific- what are they?

As you already know but are just "playing dumb", I've already identified two or three of them that aren't on the labels (TEMPO/TEMPOL and PBN), but I believe are mentioned on his Web site. I don't know the identities of the others that have never been revealed.

Jacob said:
Does the FDA know about those mystery ingreds? Be specific- he never answered that question either.

I don't know the answer to that question. My guess is that they probably do, at least at the time in the past when they examined his products.

Jacob said:
You asking me if I'm one of those crazy people...the guy who loves trying new products/ingreds and/or posts about them? Compared to you, who rehashes the same stuff for years and years?

Yes, I "rehash" the same stuff every once in a while (similar to how Propecia and Rogaine get "rehashed" on an even FAR more frequent basis) because it's one of the best available treatments, and quite possibly the best available treatment.