Lewenburg's Formula???


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Does anyone have the skinny on Lewenburgs formula? It is very expensive and has a monthly cost of around $160. At this range you could get a 3000 graft transplant at $45/month for 3 years.

The stuff would have to be equal to a transplant in order for me to pay that price. I don't hear it talked about near as much as DR. Lee's stuff here?


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lewenburg is a ripoff IMHO

way back in the day when 2% rogaine was all you could get, lewenbergs formula was good because the retin-a supposedly enhanced the minoxidil.

with the new 5% formulas, retin a really isnt neccessary, even Dr. Lee says this. It can still help, however. If you really want a retina formula, I would suggest getting it from Dr. Lee.


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Yeah, thats what I figured, but why doesnt he just add the 5% to his formula? Also how do you get in touch with doctor lee, what is his web site?


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Looked over his website and Dr. Lee's products seem very harsh and hard to use. In fact you cannot even get them without seeing him first. I have used Lewenburgs stuff and it is very convenient works well but it is so damn expensive a weave would be cheaper. Minimum of $160/ month for at least two years... I don't see any patents on Lee's stuff in fact his 5% minoxidil retin A seems to be a copy of the Lewenbur formula using 5 instead. Lewenburg would not try this saying it is way to harsh. After using the 2% I agree.


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Lewenburg's sh*t is nothing but a ripoff i've been down that route,what do you mean Dr.Lee's stuff is too hard to apply????? and as far as having to see him its only a one time online fee of 20 bucks and you get propt. email's back from him if you have any questions,stick with his products dont waste your money on Lewnburg's overpriced sh*t


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I read on his website that he will no longer treat new online patients as per California law. You must go visit his office for a consultation.

I do not know about Lewenburgs stuff because Frankly no one here comments on it? You are the firts and this post has been here for over a week. Don't forget Lewenburgs products have 2 US patents do DR. Lee's? I have no idea about Dr. Lee or his products. Also Lewenburgs stuff was proven to re-grow hair in 90% of the patients and this is in the American Journal of medicine. Just putting forth the facts no opinion about either guy- One fact though "GOING BALD SUCKS DICK"