life is...


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yeah, if you have hair you can choose between being happy having sex with hot women or being sad having sex with hot women.

if you don't have hair you can choose between...

yep. helpme007 has it all figured out. i should choose to be happy.


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helpme007, why don't you find me a detailed diagram of a hair follicle, sebum gland, sweet gland, pore, and other micro anatomy with some anatomy text and post a link here so oldbaldy and i can design a topical finasteride for people who can't tolerate the systemic effects of finasteride.


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anything from a pharmaceutical or cosmetics document would be prefered, though some anatomy textbook detail is minimal. just a picture from one of these hair cycle pages is not enough.


okay, i dont understand what you mean. you mean i got crazy from finasterid or wot?


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no, I was just asking for your help researching some stuff. I guess you have no stake in it though since you don't get side effects. good luck with those transplants. and bosley is no where nearly one of the best in the USA. it is just one of the most expensive. Dr Keene is much more skilled than the bosley doctor I went to the first time. that guy left a big scar on the back of my head after freshly removing 900 grafts. Dr Keene removed the scar along with 1900 grafts and left a scar less than 1/6 as wide. my brother took 45 seconds to find it while searching and parting my hair back there, and said it looked small. the bosley scar made me look like i had a hat line all the time, and i paid twice as much per graft.
no, $9 vs $3.50, that is almost 3 times as much per graft.