Life VS Hairloss?


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It seems almost every day that some bright spark makes a post about "Wanking off causes hairloss" or "Exercising your legs makes your hair fall out" etc. So I was just curious, if it was suddenly scientifically proven that doing a certain activity acclerates hairloss, would you stop? Consider the following:

Having Sex
Eating Meat
Drinking Alchohol
Having haircuts

Let's say all those causes accleration in hairloss. Note, they don't actually CAUSE male pattern baldness, but speed up the process. How many of those would you be willing to give up for a healthy head of hair?


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You answered your own question. Even IF these things retard the process, they cannot STOP your male pattern baldness. End of thread.


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:stupid: Yeah you'll have to change the question.:agree:


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It was a hypothetical question, jesus.

The main question was what would YOU give up to maintain a healthy head of hair? Is hair more important to you than staying fit and healty/eating meats/having sex etc?

Bald Dave

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Seriously, I think wanking causes hairloss! When I was young I was scared to look at p**rn because when I first saw a pic of a women's vag when I was about 13 it made me feel sick! It looked disgusting to me then and I didn't look at p**rn again till I was 20. One day I was in a newsagent when I glanced at the top shelf and when I looked at one of the mags it made me feel excited! I then realised that a women's vag isn't disgusting at all and it is rather beautiful to look at especially pink shaven ones! Since that day I've been wanking like crazy and also my hair has been falling out like crazy as well!


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Bald Dave said:
Seriously, I think wanking causes hairloss! When I was young I was scared to look at p**rn because when I first saw a pic of a women's vag when I was about 13 it made me feel sick! It looked disgusting to me then and I didn't look at p**rn again till I was 20. One day I was in a newsagent when I glanced at the top shelf and when I looked at one of the mags it made me feel excited! I then realised that a women's vag isn't disgusting at all and it is rather beautiful to look at especially pink shaven ones! Since that day I've been wanking like crazy and also my hair has been falling out like crazy as well!

Wow. :bravo:


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Bald Dave said:
Since that day I've been wanking like crazy and also my hair has been falling out like crazy as well!

See you in bald mans hell.


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Bald Dave said:
Seriously, I think wanking causes hairloss! When I was young I was scared to look at p**rn because when I first saw a pic of a women's vag when I was about 13 it made me feel sick! It looked disgusting to me then and I didn't look at p**rn again till I was 20. One day I was in a newsagent when I glanced at the top shelf and when I looked at one of the mags it made me feel excited! I then realised that a women's vag isn't disgusting at all and it is rather beautiful to look at especially pink shaven ones! Since that day I've been wanking like crazy and also my hair has been falling out like crazy as well!

Yeah because when I mentioned wanking to my non bald freinds they did'nt have a clue what I was talking about. :jackit:


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Masturbation, I can do without it and just have wet dreams.


I would sacrify anything apart from weightlifting. I need to get a good body.


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Taugenichts said:
I need to get a good body.
mmm what the point in training your body if you want to sacrifice your sexual life? If you don't want to have sex, why bother with your physical appearance?

To return on the topic, I think it's stupid... I am vegetarian, I don't drink alcool, I did not had an haircut for nearly 2 years ( to hide my hairloss) and I would still be balding without the Propecia... :sobbing:


Tallinn said:
Taugenichts said:
I need to get a good body.
mmm what the point in training your body if you want to sacrifice your sexual life? If you don't want to have sex, why bother with your physical appearance?

To return on the topic, I think it's stupid... I am vegetarian, I don't drink alcool, I did not had an haircut for nearly 2 years ( to hide my hairloss) and I would still be balding without the Propecia... :sobbing:

For my confidence, some people will never understand that not every man is a slave to pussy.


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Taugenichts said:
some people will never understand that not every man is a slave to pussy.
But you are in way because you let your insecurities about your attractivness ruin your life. If you really did'nt give a 5hit you'd be out enjoying life and not caring what anyone thought of your appearance.


I don´t understand you. I want to have a good body for myself, to boost my confidence. Not in order to get laid by hot women (not that there would be chance for me to see this happening...)


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Taugenichts said:
I don´t understand you. I want to have a good body for myself, to boost my confidence. Not in order to get laid by hot women (not that there would be chance for me to see this happening...)

go for the ugly girls, they don't tend to be picky.


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Bald Dave said:
When I was young I was scared to look at p**rn because when I first saw a pic of a women's vag when I was about 13 it made me feel sick!
haha so true. i remember being really excited when i got hold of my first p**rn film, i did quite enjoy it until they showed the close ups. i vowed that i was never gonna go anywhere near one and i did stick to my pact for a few years but that was purely through sheer lameness with women by that time.

uncomfortable man

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Look, if your gonna go bald your gonna go bald. It is pre-determined and any of these activities you mention that might cause hair loss are so minor and if true, are only temporary at which point your lost hairs will grow back. There is only one true cause for male pattern baldness- the kind of follicular receptor that when combined with DHT, recognizes the hair follicle as a foreign body and kills it over time- which is only genetic.