..likely to develope breasts due to finas use?


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I would like to know specific body attributes that could indicate that someone should NOT go on finasteride due to the increased risk of developing breasts.

I know the statistics about this side effect is very low but I still want to know your suggestions which guys that should NOT even try it...

Could it be skinny guys around 20 years old still not fully developed or maybe could it be the mr.6pack 2007 who pumps iron several days a week? :)

The Gardener

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You might consider getting blood work done by your Doctor to check your hormone levels before using it, if it is a concern to you.


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Thank you for the tip. Im mainly interested in what kind of people are more likely to get this side effect...

I think this question is kinda complex and I would really want someone to explain the process behind this :)


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When you reduce DHT levels in your body, you have more testosterone. Some of this testosterone gets converted into estrogen. Estrogen promotes the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts. Clinical data shows DHT inhibitors cause breast enlargement in less that 2% of users. You're more likely to suffer it if you're fat, because fat guys already have higher estrogen levels - so adding even more is risky.


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Could higher estrogen levels be indicated through something else then just a fat body?

Is there any genetic sensitivity against estrogen aswell? That would make blod tests less informative...

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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Someone else on this site was mentioning that running decreases testosterone. Would that cause or fight gyno? How would it affect hair loss? What about lifting weights? I used to run and lift a lot a couple years ago and hair loss was not an issue then. Also, before starting finasteride, I ate a lot of soy in my diet. I'm trying to lay off it right now since I'm on finasteride, but could my estrogen levels still be influenced by my previous diet?


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Getting man titis is not good but I highly doubt it will happen. Even my nipples are still the exact same.

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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I know it's rare, but sometimes I feel something in my breast, although I started wondering if it's because my shirt I wear when working out is too tight (they shrunk), causing friction. Anyways, last night, I'm pretty sure I blew things out of proportion and almost had a panic attack. I feel like a lot of these "sides" could very well be in my mind (I never noticed any of this stuff till everyone started talking about it). I just feel like if I felt like I was doing something active to prevent, I could relax a bit. By the way, please don't leave any smart-*** comments like soaking my toes in bull semen or some sh*t. I know some of you guys out there think this is stupid and mental, and you just want to say how rediculous I'm being, but if that's you, just don't leave anything. I know gyno is incredibly rare, but then so are the libido sides I got. I just want to take precautions. Any suggestions?


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I've seen a lot of men, that are not fat, having more breast then breast muscle. I'm a bit concerned due to the fact that Im a pretty tall and skinny boy but with substancial breast muscles..could that be a sign of upcoming gyno dev? :-x

I really don't think libido sides are in the same level as gyno sides, surely a lot more men suffers from libido sides then gyno.


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bull's semen you say? that just might work!